With Blizzard Paying Attention: What (Realistic) Changes Do You Still Want?

If I had to choose one thing it’s that Gear in pvp doesn’t matter.

They aren’t really paying much more attention. They are only making changes that were suggested during the Beta for Shadowlands.

I don’t expect much to be honest. They can’t even finish Heritage Armor for the remaining races.

More than the current 50 character limit.


Skittle colored hair and red eyes.

Also banjos and Crick elves. And flight whistles.

Vulpera Paladins.

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Tauren rogues.

Then who were you talking about?

People aren’t pugging Mythic raids, so your ‘this will destroy guilds’ objection doesn’t hold water.

There will always be someone who disagrees with a change. That doesn’t mean that a change is a bad idea.

The option for classes who have had spell animation changes to use the old animations. I prefer the old shadowbolt and NPCs still use it.


make as much possible account wide, give up the time played metric in exchange for is anyone still playing metric.

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an end to tank kiting

legacy quest log

callings going back to emissaries

world quest that were like Legion/BFA

end of factions and faction tagging

Also darker nights and dynamic weather.

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I really want them to fix PvP gearing, because I literally want to play some BGs in WoW, but then I remember all the gear shenanigans and I play something else. There is no need for so many PvP item level ranks - there should be just two - honor and conquest, as many already suggested. Or straight WoD system.

Then I’d love to have old spell animations and sounds in the form of glyphs.

Then, very SL specific. Give legendary currency outside of Torghast. [TorghastRant] I want them to make Torghast optional for legendaries, because it’s the one thing that really stops me from playing alts. There are just a lot of annoying little things, like those rats that run away, or “slow, then stun” punishing combos for melee, or the traps that are designed to throw you back at the exact position of the previous trap. Timeless isle was fun because it was usual world farming business, and island expeditions became fun at the exact moment when people became powerful enough to survive large pulls. Something as routine as Torghast shouldn’t be so annoying and draining. Or it should not be required to be farmed for an expansion feature such as legendary items. [/TorghastRant]

The typical reason for connecting servers is to have a larger pool of players to mythic raid. There is no other reason to connect them.

Chromie time up to and at max level.



But that’s a very good reason.

I wouldn’t mind this, but I actually enjoy Shadowlands leveling content quite a bit. Probably the most since Cata.

I don’t think leveling is the issue (hasn’t really been the past few expansions). But since I get bored in Shadowlands… I want to go back and do old content but there are tons of quests that are bugged simply because we do too much damage and one-shot everything.

Instead of hunting each and every bug down, turn on Chromie time and then the bugs are irrelevant.

Also, I get burnt out of each and every alt having to do the exact same content all the time OR one shot everything.

Universal PVE content badges that drop from LFD, LFR, Raid, M+ chest, Torghast, and the calling cache, and a vendor. Could literally be the Korthia system expanded.

Would like to see Soul Ash get some sort of “doubloon” vendor.


Permenant toys that race change your race. They would be account wide. So you can change your characters race anytime you want. And any character can do it as long as you got the toy for those races.

That’s a really good point - I am levelling up an undead warlock - and I’ve not been through that area or those quests before and I’m finding the story and dialogue to be quite interesting and fun.

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Biggest change I’d like to see is just remove the valor cap. We’re this far into the M+ season, most people that are pushing content are geared out. I, myself, and pretty geared all things considered. There is no reason to be barring people from upgrading their gear. If they want to grind a thousand low keys to upgrade 3ilvl let them.

Other changes: Make the Korthia gear unlocks account-wide. Never really used the system myself, but I can see the benefit of catering to those who like to run and gear alts.

Halve the research requirements for sockets and conduit upgrades in korthia.

Have research reputation scale 1 to 1 with your archivist research turn ins. There is no real reason to gate this anymore, the people that have gotten to max rank are already there. Pretty much only alts are running this content now.

There does need to be a lot more tuning for classes. Necrolord Priests are almost competitive with the other options available, I feel with slight tuning to the end row for healers and such will result in an uptick in competitive results. Just minor number bumps.

Enhancement Shaman kind of feels like a meme. You bring a good amount of utility, but it comes at the cost of being dead last in the dps charts. A lot of enhancement shamans I know, like the playstyle but feel like they are doing triple the work/itemization/etc just to show up on the charts. I don’t know what can really be done to fix this, but it’d be cool to see this spec in particular addressed.

For the most part I’m just looking for number tweaks.

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