With Blizzard Paying Attention: What (Realistic) Changes Do You Still Want?

Actually, it could bring the turnabout we all are looking for. Someone has posted within one of the Worgen topics a graphic which shows the estimated character ratio within the factions. Blood Elves dominate the Horde completely at this point.

They changed limit to 50 characters per realm in BfA - so basically no cap since we can only have 50 characters atm. So consider your wish granted :slight_smile:

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We need more old world content for max level players. Make new world events so it’s relevant again.

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Would Like to see Garrisons go back to Pre -Legion functionality, so we can actually make gold with them again and have fun running them, Feel the Ds did a disservice to the casual gold farmers in the the name of token sales. Was another reason I quit playing WOW on a regular basis, all that work I put into my 15 garrisons was erased by the Ds.




And also, duck form for druids.


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nothing, leave game as is

Mythic+ from BFA/Legion to be around 24/7. No reason to not. I don’t even care about the lewtz! Its for FUN!

I wanna do freehold on m+ again.

Don’t throw away old content.

A way to have at least Chromie Time on at all times, so that we can keep a variety of dungeons and raids to do at max level, and still enjoy old content comfortably. I don’t want to be stuck with just Shadowlands content as the only content you can do at max level because that just doesn’t sound fun to me. I like variety in both content to do and items to use for building a character.


1 honor set, 1 conquest set for pvp

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This would make me incredibly happy, but unfortunately political correctness is the name of the game right now.

Evergreen. That’s a good name for it.

How so? Please elaborate.

Again, how so?

It’s not. They can still have the title and the achievement, and years to show it off before the expansion ends.

‘Effort’ is a tricky word, when it only really applies to ‘hey, I played x character between x and y dates’.

I actually see quite a bit of this in Shadowlands.

I can’t foresee anyone actually making a ‘family account’ if that was the case. What you are asking for is basically a trap.

Fix all the old quests that got broken by level squishing and scaling.


At the very least, I’d like to see them continue to improve on character models, re-scale some weapon models, and do away with the clipping issues that continue to exist.

Also, if they’re going to put treasures or profession mats in high places and not let us fly in those zones, then they could at least allow us to climb to those places and stop having some invisible force constantly push us down when we try to.



Start over fresh with a brand new game that Wowhead can’t data mine into the ground & release info for majority of the content 4 months before the release.


so you are the one deciding that should be enough for them? a little arrogant of you isn’t it.

wow you are from proudmoore and you can say that - weren’t you paying attention last year when they wanted to connect your server with hyjal? - screaming from people long and hard about how the server’s economy would be ruined and how people would be harassed - enough for blizzard to reverse the decision

because people instead of working through content with their guilds, would pug if they could get faster progress.

Yes. FOMO is just a cheap and easy way to try and keep people playing. You are falling into a trap here.

A great man once said something that started with ‘the needs of the many…’.

Everyone knows that players on Proudmoore are a hivemind, and that a few players complaining about something means that everyone on the server disagrees with that thing.

Oh wait…no. That’s not how reality works, is it?

People who pug M+ are still going to pug M+.

People who raid with their guilds are still going to raid with their guilds.

A reliable group of players coordinating over voicecoms will always have the edge. Cross realm grouping and guilding would just help them to actually find said coordinated group without spending hundreds of dollars realm-hopping, which is the case for a lot of Alliance players right now.


Gnome Paladins
Mechagnome Druids
Goblin Monks
Worgen Monks

The big one is now that we can skip the covenant campaign (once we’ve done it) please let our alts buy the gear with anima.

The other large one is teak Threads of Fate to let me play each zones storyline out of sequence. I do enjoy the story quests in each zone but I’m kind of over Bastion (and it’s my favorite zone).


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I answered someone who claimed all those things suggested are positive - they are not for everyone. In any case, there was enough of them against the connection and no one stating they were for it that got it cancelled - players on both realms in fact did not want to be connected.

I am not talking about M+ - you don’t need connected servers to do mythic plus

This one is easy, stop putting teeny tiny little itty bitty hard to see fast moving objects you have to chase and click multiple times.

Wish cricket is an example of , IMO, crappy mini games that suck.

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I kinda wish we could talk to NPCs more. We get little bits like responding to that one broker asking you questions about venari. I wish we had that for a lot of npcs

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Realistic? So I can’t give my normal ‘remove CRZ’ answer :thinking:
Stop removing content :slight_smile: (mage tower)

That seems pretty realistic since it will require exactly 0 work, they just don’t remove stuff :open_mouth: