With Blizzard Paying Attention: What (Realistic) Changes Do You Still Want?

  1. Sylvanas dead. Not a heroic death but a pay for your war crimes kinda death. Blizzards fan boi Sylv writer can then drop her in Revendreth for her 100000 years of redemption. Seriously if you read through that area it is full of kings and queens who thought they were doing right but turns out they had been manipulated by some evil force and committed heinous acts in their name… Just like our Sylvanas.

  2. Worgen / Gobliin / Light Forge monks. Seriously why is this not a thing? The animations are there, the lore is there (worgens have to achieve peace with themselves in the opening quests), Monk order hall even has a Goblin monk upstairs at the Inn, and light forged have a martial arts tournament as a daily quest on argues. Time locked zones make no sense with the new starting zone and nightborne being locked in a bubble for10000 years so strong even the legion couldn’t make it trough but some how a panda monk trainer did?

  3. PVP honor gear with no rank cap. This was the dumbest idea and it feels like some dev wanted to punish pvpers because they can actually gear up now. Kinda like being locked into a coven… Seriously stop punishing players, if they want to only pvp, let them.

  4. Profession able to make normal mode raid loot. Why is this not a thing? Right now there is no reason to keep profession gear lower then entry level raiding. It’s a great catch up and makes professions viable. Just think of who awesome it would be to swap mains and be able to jump back into raiding with a quick profession catch up. Again this is another why do we punish people who want to play with just professions… make this game fun.

  5. Stop retconning. I absolutely hate this. Hire the red t-shirt guy if you need to and he can become your lore coordinator. Or any expert on the lore like Nobel. But get rid of this team that is tearing down the 17 years of story just because they want to make their mark. It’s like when a new executive takes over and has to show how powerful they are by making policy that hurts more then it helps. You don’t destroy your house to prove you are better at building.

  6. Stop developing with separate development teams. Anyone from upper level management or entrepreneurship background can spot you had 4-5 completely independent teams building shadowlands. The stories do not match, the zones do not flow, and the lore is broken as a result. It’s like you gave one zone to a team and said this is your world make it yours, then handed another team a zone and said this is yours do what you want, etc. What you ended up with was this mismatched game that did not flow, felt really broken, and even contradicts itself. So light can burn Theotar but he used to hang out in bastion… the brightest zone in shadowlands? Keep your teams as one team. Develop the game together not apart.


OP’s changes? if so how do they in any way ruin the game for others. They are only positive effects.

I want them to re add all of the removed content over the years. Some of it was removed for technical reasons but most of it makes no sense especially with the addition of chromie time making the argument that the story moves forwards irrelevant.

To name some:

  • Pandaren faction intro quests in stormwind/orgrimmar
  • BFA “Finding wrathion”
  • MoP legendary questline
  • WoD legendary questline
  • War of the thorns quests

Another thing I would like to see but would likely take significantly more work than the above would be to port the classic world into retail. This would restore all of the old raids as well. Go for wrath era old world so we get all of the quests but keep classic naxxramas.

Porting in classic old world would also allow battle of the under city to be re added as that was removed in cata for technical reasons when they changed the world.


More world PvP opportunities and quests.


Faction balance would need to be fixed first. I remember trying to do these as alliance (Im horde now) and the zone was 50± horde and 7± alliance and it stayed like that for weeks until I just turned off WM. Getting farmed isn’t fun.

But I do love this idea and love wPVP objectives.


Some form of conduit catchup would be ideal. Its the one thing that will stall alt catchup after the patch. Beyond that I’d like the rest of the base race sets, ie human, night elf, draenei, orc, undead, and troll. It’d be nice to have a few more class options for a few races. More sources of mogs, for example if torghast got recolored gear like islands I would venture to say it’d be far more popular since most of its rewards are time limited power gains, the shoulders and backs were welcome though. In addition to new stuff though I’d also like them to look into putting old content to better use, its a giant untapped resource as far as blizzard is concerned.

Faction balance would be nice as well, but I can’t believe it will be fixed before next expac.

Would be nice, no matter what character you play on your account, the reputation was account / server wide instead of individual. Having to grind out the same reputation on multiple characters to unlock something you need gets tedious after a 2nd or 3rd time.

  1. World content/quests/relevant stuff in places other than the current expansions sandbox. Granted, the current expansion is the main task at hand, but there are tons of factions, groups, cults, etc… that may be subdued currently, but are not entirely gone, thus still a threat that needs to be swatted down from time to time.

  2. Ever changing world. It would be nice to see zones be more affected and subject to change(s) after we do things in them.

Additionally, it would be nice to see things from other expansions/zones make their way to kalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms etc… or visa versa in terms of travelers, ships, buildings, settlements, etc…

  1. I kind of miss the ways old zones were designed in that there were different areas of varying amounts of danger. Some parts of the zone had places that were a bit risky to go alone because the mobs hit hard or the mob density was high. Other areas were way scary to venture into becuase elites wandered around or everything was elite. Maybe a slight bit of return to that?

  2. Less reskins, more unique models. Reskin insert number of insert mount are pretty :expressionless: more often than not.

Additionally, would be kind of cool if we had more mounts akin to the X-995 Mechanocat, in that they were customizable (at least in terms of color). More of that and/or expand upon it?

  1. Elimination of grind/RNG for sockets on gear. Have sockets statically be present on on select pieces of gear: necks, rings, belts and weapons/offhands would be most fitting

  2. Add actual NEW playable allied races, not glorified customization options like most of the ones we currently have are. Races such as:

  • Ogres
  • Jinyu/Ankoan
  • Arakkoa
  • Tuskarr
  • Tol’vir
  • Sethrak
  • Tortollan
  • Hozen
  • Saberon
  1. I want the EULA amended to encourage families to link their accounts together under one battle.net instead of restricting/prohibiting it.

  2. Shadowlands Archaeology and Archaeology every expansion moving forward.

Fire ion
Delete shards of domination


A joke “gun” toy that “fires” a boxing glove on a metal extender to deliver a punch in the face called “The Dooker-Ooker.”


Shared accounts get sticky when you are talking about people getting disgruntled. Family Separations are real. I would have to see the prenup.

Will support have to become a family court if your sibling gets mad, and deletes all your characters?

Your spouse seeks a divorce, and decides to delete the account?


I want seething shore deleted and replaced with the unreleased Azshara crater and the Warlords battleground that never got finished.

No, it would be pretty easy for Blizzard. Anything that happened on the account - anything - would be considered the same on Blizzard’s end as if the account holder did it.

Kid starts spamming Trade chat with racism? The whole account gets actioned.

A wife catches her husband cheating and deletes all his toons? As far as Blizzard is concerned, the account holder deleted some of their toons.

Essentially, “my family did it” never functions as an excuse, because like in most places, the person who takes responsibility for the whole family is held accountable for everything.

If the account holder feels there’s a problem in their family, it is their responsibility to secure their account and ensure nothing untoward happens to it, because Blizzard is under no obligation to bend any rules for situations such as these, and what is deleted is deleted unless they would be willing to restore it for an individual as well.

Server divisions still keep players apart, preventing us from joining guilds or sending mail between your toons. Yet we know the technology exists to do away with these limitations. Why are we keeping this antiquated architecture when it no longer serves a purpose for our gameplay? The only reason that makes sense is transfer fees, but I doubt they generate that much income.
Is it time to get rid of servers and TEAR DOWN THIS WALL?

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I would like guild improvements, starting with returning the granular permissions we used to have.


connection servers is not positive at all for some people

cross realm grouping is also bad - although I am 100% sure they meant mythic raiding but that would be the logical interpretation but that would destroy guilds.

and there is a purpose to having time limited content - people who played and put forth an effort to get things when the expansion was happened shouldn’t have their efforts negated. plus spending time/resources on restoring old content means less new content and that affects everyone.

so no, they all have bad effects for others

I would like to see some transmog love (and I’m not even a transmog-heavy person:

  • Upright Troll form (female Darkspear can be upright but males have to be hunched?)
  • A lot of races can’t transmog the cool boots we’ve gotten; I know there are shoes being added, but that’s not quite the same.
  • Cloth wearers given the option to have their pants over their robes (chest option to be “torso only”) instead of wearing a dress.
  • Legacy transmog items regardless of armor class. A lot of people might disagree, but honestly, what’s the point of grinding the same transmog with as many plate wearers as you can, then doing the same thing for cloth, etc. It’s super frustrating to end up seeing it on your plate class, and not on your cloth class. I understand some folks are protective of their appearances (see everyone who doesn’t want limited items accessible to others) but these are still accessible.

I would like them to add back those transmog helmets to the store. It’s been 2.5 years since they been gone and they said “they may come back”.

No idea why they’d take a digital item away for two years lol.

I just literally had a President Ronald Reagan flashback, June 12th 1987. Very powerful speech that was delivered in West Berlin, that lead to the reunification of Germany a few years later.

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