I was reluctant to return to the game for this reason but I figured I’d give it a shot to see how it goes. At the moment though I’m strongly just considering keeping my Warlock in Chromie Time because Shadowlands looks like an oppressive mess to a player like me.
As a player, I’m just not someone with a very competitive mindset. I’m also not that great at the game. Never at any point had many friends to play with. I’ve done heroic raiding when I could find a good guild, but otherwise I’ve largely just stuck with LFR, queued dungeons, and random battlegrounds. Random battlegrounds especially are probably the one thing I’ve consistently enjoyed throughout most expansions. They were always there to just queue up at any time of the day. No one could stand at the gate and say that no I’m not allowed to play with them. I could always go in, try to rack up some HKs, try to go for one of the various achievements or two. I enjoyed them, partially because even someone like me could get at least decent survivable gear from them.
But now, it seems like I’m basically paying 15 dollars a month to serve as a punching bag, and that doesn’t sound fun to me at all. Someone like me who doesn’t have the connections or confidence to join the higher level content is only allowed the most pathetic of gear. I’d just get stomped over and over again in those same random BGs where arena champions are running amok. What reason is there to pay monthly just to endure that? Been trying to find an answer to that question for a while now.
I have numerous suggestions to fix that issue; capped ilvls in random BGs, ilvl brackets for random BGs (and yes I’d wait 5 minutes more in a queue if it meant a good game), a return to the older way of gearing where I could eventually get close to an arena champion over time, a return of resilience, etc etc.
Of all those, the ilvl cap would work best I think. After all, you don’t queue for LFR and expect to fight a mythic boss. It should work the same for PvP.
I hope Blizz considers a change.