Witch Doctor Class

Blizzard would never develop a Tinker when wowpedia says the following.
Tinkers (or tinkerers and tinkologists) are engineers mostly represented by gnomes, goblins, and dwarves of the Alliance, Horde, and the Venture Company.


Yeah because Tikers are just engineers. It says so on the site.


They would because the game lacks a technology class, and the Tinker has the same pedigree as the other 4 expansion classes.

“Witch” does not.

This proves you are only mad because you are worried like Albertus mentioned.


I’m not worried at all. I’m just curious why people want something that’s essentially already in the class lineup.

Because we don’t think Shaman is the same. It is that simple. We wonder why people want a silly class like Tinker. The fact is people don’t agree. Move on.


You’re welcome to THINK that, but it isn’t reality.

People want silly classes like the Tinker because it’s something we don’t have in the class lineup. The “Witch” or “Witch Doctor” is already available in the class lineup.

Cool you want it. Go to a Tinker form. There is no reason to start fights with people because you have different ideas. I am sure there are people who want to talk about Tinkers. It is clearly not on this discussion.


I didn’t bring up Tinkers, someone else did.

I was simply asking what could a witch do that an existing class in the class lineup couldn’t do?

Love to hear more of your Ideas and Adanowas. I like the concepts you both have.

Iʻm convinced that they think everything is a Loa

They probably have a Loa of freshly baked bread somewhere.

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Was this that german survey that got translated that was likely fake? Or a newer one?

Here is a quote from Wow Wiki about Loa.

“The Loa (the troll name for the often lesser Wild Gods) are a collection of spirits worshiped by trolls on Azeroth. Loa spirits are more powerful than the elementals, but not as powerful as deities”

It specifically says more powerful than elementals.


Another thing to keep in mind is that a Shaman must do the will of the Elementals or they are powerless. wowpedia says the following.

“Know this: a shaman must never demand power; to do so would arouse the anger of the elements, and a shaman without the elements’ protection is nothing. Those that follow the path of the shaman must never forget this most vital tenet. However, a shaman that works in a respectful union with the elements wields a power rivaled by few.” - Teo Hammerstorm

Witch Doctors do not follow that rule.
They control Spirits and Nature through Juju, Voodoo and Arcane sources of magic.

Here is a quote from wowpedia about Witch Doctors.

“The witch doctor’s arcane magical art is formed from the ability to twist and turn nature through a crude yet effective science called Juju. Often the more cunning and savvy members of the savage troll tribes, witch doctors are uncommon among other, more civilized races that instead rely on shamanistic aid in times of need.”


Yes, Witch Doctors force their will on spirits through Juju and Magic. They also worship the Wild Gods as Loa.


Saaza and Giuseppe explained it very well!


That is why we need Witch Doctors. This explains it very well. Also Wow Wiki does not classify elementals as Loa I can confirm this.


This is an interesting read. I appreciate it.


There’s not enough mechanical difference between the two to justify an entirely new class doing what a class is currently doing. It’s like asking for a Sunwalker class for Tauren when Paladins cover it just fine despite the lore differences.

Would love to hear how you would design it. I very much enjoy reading the different Witch Doctor class concepts everyone has posted.