Witch Doctor Class

That is a opinion. Blizzard seems to think it is worth considering due to the survey. I personally love this.


As a game developer I find this class thread to be very fascinating. I think it would be a good fit for wow. Blizzard would be wise to include this.


I don’t have an an issue with a witch doctor being added to the game, provided they can make it unique enough to justify its place without eroding existing concepts.

The ideas listed by OP don’t really seem to make sense without basically gutting shaman entirely.

Blizzard was able to do it with Necromancer and Witch Doctor in Diablo 3. They can do it. I have always felt a Witch Doctor would be better for WOW than Diablo.


Not seeing much thematic overlap with Shaman as it currently stands, as Shamans use mostly elemental magic- earth, fire, lightning, water- and Witch Doctors would use more poison/death magic. Although some of OP’s example abilities do seem to encroach on Shaman abilities, like his Hex of the Toad, for example. But you could do away with Hex of the Toad in this.

If anything there seems to be more overlap with Unholy DK’s, at least thematically.


Simply remove the transform into a toad from Hex of the Toad and make it so a Large toad swallows the target for a short duration. Puke them back out releasing a poison gass that deals damage over time. I like the concept of using animals with the death themes. I don’t think it has to much Shaman overlap.


Yeah for the record, the two classes I play most are Shaman and DK, and I am 100% on board with a Witch Doctor class. It’s a very cool theme, and while I’m not creative enough to come up with ideas for unique abilities that don’t step on the toes of Shaman or DK, I know others can do it. I would for sure play a Witch Doctor, a lot, if they added it.


I love this idea!


Guarantee you this would be the least popular class 1 year after release. Neat idea but it’s the character fantasy of .1% of the playerbase.

Evoker is and always will be the least popular. I think Witch Doctor is amazing!


Shaman main here! I also would love a Witch Doctor. Honestly would prefer it to Shaman.


This is more fluff related than anything else. Reskin the existing spells to look death-and-decayish and you have a basic ‘plaguecaster’. (I don’t really like calling them witch doctors - those are Troll shamans, and have been so for decades).

Nearly all of them as posited are straight-up reskins of existing shaman abilities. If this new plaguecaster is going to be part of the game, then it needs more to differentiate than what was posited here.

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I agree! I think this class is a very unique and fascinating concept. People have wanted a dark themed class since classic that could heal and Dps. This is an ideal solution. No new coth armor classes have been added since classic. I love this concept. This class could have two Dps specs and a dark healing theme.


Shaman practice troll voodoo. Death Knights have abilities like Death and Decay and various diseases. Who cares about Gnoll “decay magic” when you have scourge death magic and necromancy.

Also what even is “decay” or “drust” magic? These are nothing more than fancy buzzwords that don’t indicate anything about what the spells actually would do and how they’re different than existing classes.

Truth be told, nonsense like that Witch class concept on that survey proved that it was fake.

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If it is fake why do you feel the need to be rude and complain?


He is probably worried it is real and he Wants a Tinker.


Who’s complaining? I’m just pointing out the facts.

Opinions not facts. You have no proof it is fake. That makes it a opinion.


It’s not real, because Blizzard would never develop an entirely new class made up of abilities they could house in an existing class.

Shaman having troll witch doctor abilities is a fact.

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