Witch and Witchdoctor Classes

You can make mech suits with it…

This thread is about witches n witchdoctors, not necromancers.

Then don;t take it out on me. Form your OWN thoughts. Don’t go with the herd.

You act similar… I am out of this thread

And so do you, pot meet kettle. I happen to AGREE that a lot of what folks ask for could just be specs or improvements to things like mounts. We have mounts that herb farm and do profession stuff, why not a Tinker style Gundam of one of the mech mounts that can fight + engineering?

He is talking about Witch Doctors… the thread name is [Witch and Witchdoctor Classes]

You cant tank in a mount.

No one aside from you wants to man…


In all fairness, a Witch is just a female Warlock, most modern lexicologies don’t even separate the terms genderwise anymore, they’ll call both male and female a “Witch”.

WoW Shamans are also weeeeeeeeeeeeird. Not sure if it’s cause DKs were already there or they came later, but they’re very very non-traditional for the most part. IRL Shamanism deals with ghosts, natural magics and healing, and general voodoo type stuff.

I seriously have no idea how they got geomancer and Avatar the last Airbender out of that…

Female in the dictionary… Not in wow lore… Witch Doctors can be any gender and do not get power from the fel…


Based on several major WoW streamers and various online polls, that’s not the case.

Beyond that, the point remains; The shaman class contains Shadow Hunter and Witch Doctor abilities. No class contains Tinker abilities.

“Lexicologies” is not a standard word in the English language. The plural form of “lexicology” would typically be “lexicological studies” or “lexicological research” when referring to multiple studies or areas within the field.


Doronsmovies recently said he wants Witch/Witch Doctor as the next class…


It doesn’t matter what he wants. What matters is that the Witch Doctors already exist in the class lineup. Troll Shaman are Witch Doctors.

The guys over at CoA / Project Ascension are showing that a witch doctor class can be designed to be completely different from a shaman and is actually a really cool concept tbh

Bit of a close minded opinion you have there especially when shamans and witch doctors in warcraft lore are 2 different things

Whatever they decide to add in terms of abilities or talents or Hero talent trees etc. for Shaman, adding in Warcraft lore accurate Witch Doctors fit well with shaman.

WC3 Witch Doctors had 3 spells…

  • Sentry Ward
  • Stasis Ward
  • Healing Ward

Those wards are basically the preliminary Totems of WoW shamans and each of those wards have already found their way into Shamans totems in some form.

  • Sentry Totem
  • Capacitor Totem
  • Healing Stream totem

Simply put, their is not enough separate Warcraft inspired Witch Doctors material to work with in order to build and entire new class with base abilities, Class Talent tree, Spec trees and Hero Path trees all the while keeping it separate and distinct from Shamans.

Perhaps a Hero Path like Shadow Hunter. But beyond that its walking a tight edge before it would have to cannibalize what Shamans already have.


Plenty of other things to build off of like Bosses in Zul’gurub, Zul’aman, and characters like Hexmaster Zalazane. Got to be more creative. No class can be completely built off of the warcraft 3 units. They have only a few abilities.


Trolls, especially the Darkspear, Amani, and Gurubashi trolls, are really tied to voodoo magic, spirits, and mysticism. Their Witch Doctors are the ones who lead their people spiritually, using powerful magic, calling on spirits, and mixing potions and curses. Bosses like Jin’do the Hexxer and Hexlord Malacrass are perfect examples, using voodoo to summon dark powers and wreak havoc. Wow has plenty of inspiration for a class like a Witch Doctor.


Witch Doctors could focus more on curses, poison, diseases, and summoning spirits and animals. Their abilities could revolve around crowd control, debuffs, summoning spirit allies, zombies, frogs, snakes, and area denial through toxic clouds. The Witch Doctor’s playstyle could use combo moves like setting up cauldrons and summoned creatures. For instance, placing a Poison Cauldron near a Fetish Bomber could set up a deadly combination of debuffs and AoE explosions. The creatures summoned could interact with each other and different Witch Doctor cauldrons. This makes it more unique and different.


Shadow Hunter could just be the agility spec of Witch Doctor. Hexxer would be range damage.