Wishwing pet found!

Using a class trial character I was able to port this character here too a low pop RP realm and yesterday had the crater to myself…nobody there and in 3 hrs I got 10 of the ashes I need…so trial character is not useless…it works.

My realm of Cairne there was about 15 players there when I went there to set up the porting …I am not going to fight that many other players for maybe a slim chance at the mob …the right one at that too…seeing there are two elemental mobs around that crater and only 1 drops the Ash.

The 10x Sacred Phoenix Ash was easy to get, even with staying on my realm and staying in war mode. Both Horde & Alliance were gathering, but nobody was bothering each other. I gathered the x10 I needed in only 1 hour.

Now the 20x Inert Phoenix Ash is a whole other story. I tried staying on my realm and grouped up with another Horde but I only seen them get the drops and never me. So I made a group with my alt on Twisting Nether and realm hopped to there. I spent about 3 hours or so last night and managed to get x4 to drop. I spent about an hour so far today and got x2 back to back. So obviously this is gonna take a long while for me.

The 20x Ash Feathers I just gathered as I was killing elementals, that was really fast at least.

I still need to kill Alysrazor and get the Glittering Phoenix Ember.

LOL that is realm I went too to…yesterday I ended up with 10 in 3 or so hours…today been at it for 2 hrs same realm …was fighting against a horde player for a bit but really only getting 1 in two hours is bad RNG for sure…

No matter what you’re doing while farming these parts, do make sure you kill TW Alysrazor before reset! There will undoubtedly be groups in the group finder just for her, take advantage!

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Yeah I got my kill on her yesterday before starting the ash farm I am on now…we had quite a few that never did the fight before so we wiped on first kill but second one went easy as pie and I got the item.

WOOT WOOT finally got the last dang Ash to drop …6.5 hours worth of farming.


I hope to be able to do some farming later once we get to the hotel. I am currently in our car on the way to the mountains in north Georgia (tired of the Swamp for now, lol). We are taking a scenic train ride through the mountains tomorrow.

And nobody tells us that we have to be farming a quest line from Tarjin the Blind in order to get the quest for the battle pet…its saying takes 6 weeks or more to get all the tales done…

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With Wowhead reporting a 4% drop, and other farmers reporting similar luck, seems like there must be other factors involved. I spent last couple hours killing the Phoenixes on both busy and very low-pop servers and got all of 2 ash from 150 kills.

Thanks for this, I got a good laugh out of it. Didn’t realize Blizzard could come up with still one more time sink beyond the Dungeon and all the endless ash farming.

After reading wowhead comments on the Smoldering Phoenix Ash I started going into Nelth and killing the stand alone phoenixs in there. After around 2 hours I had 13 of them and got instance locked and was able to get the last two outside within about 10 minutes. I’m finally done and have a new pet but wouldn’t want to do that grind over again lol

If your a hunter make sure you turn on track elementals when farming the ash. Makes the process a bit easier.

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I will say this now I finally got the pet but damn…the farming of certain things I was pulling my hair out near the end…

No amount of gold I could get for that pet on the AH is worth doing it again …not even if I could get a Million or more…nope…not happening.

Wow, I’m impressed !

I gave up, just too, too tedious for me. Going to go back to farming when things quiet down, and only like an hour a day max. Someday my pet will come.

I do 1 Ash. Once I get 1 I swap over and do something else. It’s just so demoralizing sitting there, kill after kill, getting nothing.

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Can I get the item from TW firelands before I farm all that stuff? Or do I have to get all of that before the item drops in the raid?

No way I have the time to do all that this weekend. But if I can get that item, it makes everything else a little more doable.

Afaik, you should be able to do the TW Raid and get the item, then do the farm.

Be careful of the item from the raid–it CAN be vendored.

Yes Hruin you can go get the TW fireland items first then farm the other stuff…as Amayita said be careful with the item put it in your bank for safe keeping while you farm the other stuff…and trust me it not an easy farm either.

Esp for the Crater stuff …the idea posted early in this thread is best way to do the Crater farm do it on a low pop RP realm…you’ll still spend hours out there though…just make sure to kill both elemental s out there …only drops the item but they share spawn points.

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Amen it is Amayita but I kept at it…the stubborn side of me wouldn’t let it go…I am like that pit bull dog I won’t let go with some things I do.