Winterspring: Alliance or Horde?

again, nightelf land, not human land, trade something from the humans, if you want humanlands.

If I recall correctly, the water in Orgrimmar is sourced from Hyjal anyway. Winterspring is on the wrong side of the mountain and wouldn’t even flow in that direction, would it?


Make An aqueduct for pitys sake. The goblins have the ingenuity.

Loads of snow and moutains there. Put the Frostwolf there and Stormpike dwarves claim the Alterac Valley.

I’m trying to consolidate the orks to be hugely strong and unified while doing the same for the humans.

The humans need Lordaeron back. Badly. Just ask the Teldrassil survivors.

NO, you try to trade Nightelf Stuff for Humanstuff. If you want so badly Lordaeron, you have to give up…stormwind for example.

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I really don’t think they do. At least, I haven’t seen anything in the story indicating that it’s needed. Why can’t the survivors just stay in Stormwind or something? :man_shrugging:

The humans are almost bled dry of forces due to the wars for Pandaria and The Fourth War of Garrosh and Sylvanas.

Just like the Alliance needing Kul Tiras for reinforcement, they need Lordaeron’s human forces to get back to fighting form.

Moving the Frostwolves to Winterspring would let Thrall reign in the Warsong and coordinate all ork clans to make Azshara into a powerhouse staging area while the Nightelves get Felwood, Ashenvale most of it, Hyjal and Darkshore all greatly fortified.

so, and the other races not? XD Not a single land, not a single bit of night elf land have to get to the horde for human land…thats nonesense.

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But whatever Lordaeron humans remain are likely already residing in Stormwind. There’s nowhere you need to go to get them, and the depletion would mean there’s no need to spread out and stretch your population even thinner than it’s already gotten. There’s no disconnected community of them that aren’t already part of the alliance, as far as I know.

Hearthglen and Stratholme are currently neutral and mostly human.

They should rejoin the Alliance as many of the Silver Hand have disbanded after Legion. Light’s Hope, human. Stratholme, human, Andorhal, human, Hearthglen, human, Lordaeron city, nobody but could be reclaimed; Gilneas nobody but could be reclaimed.

See where the idea is going? Turalyon could probably attract them back himself alone.

As Supreme Commander of the Alliance states.

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No one said the Horde.
The Goblins there are steamwheedle.

But the orc clans aren’t in Azshara, they’re in mostly Durotar and the northern Barrens. There’s other key points such as hubs on other continents like Warsong Hold, Domination Point, but for the most part the orcs are supposed to be organized in Orgrimmar.

What makes you believe that this is permanent for Stormwind? The kingdom seems to be doing just fine as per usual, especially with the influx of new recruits from their campaign in the fourth war.

If anything what they need to do is hold down what they have, Darkshire seems to be all but wiped out and there doesn’t seem to be many other permanent settlements in the area.

No need for them to take Winterspring for that. The water’s already flowing down the mountainside in massive waterfalls. Just have to get it before the Goblins before can spoil it.

Actually, Strathholme is Scourge.

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I know the idea is consolidating holdings, but why should the Frostwolves give up anything? AV is inhospitable to most Alliance races, and there wasn’t a titan facility there so the dwarves should just leave.


Hearthglen was held by the Argent Crusade last we saw it, who are neutral and not all human, or even Alliance races for that matter, and it was also the home of Tirion Fordring. Considering Tirion’s history with Eitrigg, it would be incredibly disrespectful to his memory to give his territory to the Alliance when it is currently neutral. Likewise, most of the Eastern Plaguelands are either held by the Argent Crusade (such as Light’s Hope) and are therefore neutral, or patrolled by Scourge remnants. Stratholme is still on fire and has been since the Culling because it’s cursed, it’s not inhabitable. Andorhal is basically destroyed, and what remains of the town was taken by the Forsaken during Cataclysm. They may have left it since the fall of Undercity but as far as I know we don’t have any hard evidence to suggest one way or another. Lordaeron City is a mess of Blight, but if there is any chance of reclaiming it you can guarantee the Forsaken will want it back. After all, the majority of Forsaken came from the pre-Third War population of Lordaeron, they have a stronger historical claim to the region than living humans from Stormwind do. Gilneas City could be reclaimed right now, frankly, and probably should be since the Forsaken aren’t in a position to interfere in the rebuilding right now even if they wanted to. Alterac…is a mess, and the humans who historically lived there hate both the Horde and the Alliance, and continue to be a thorn in both factions’ sides as the Syndicate.

Also, as much as I don’t want her to have a position of power among the Forsaken without earning it…Calia Menethil exists. She’s undead, and at the moment she’s advising Lilian Voss, not Turalyon. Is the Alliance really going to attempt to settle Lordaeron without at least considering the fact that Calia considers the Forsaken her people?

I’d find it interesting if the back gates of Orgrimmar had to be heavily fortified due to a Night-elf nay Night-Warrior army came through in Azshara and clean swept the Goblin + Horde forces as if like removing a stain from the lands so tremendously that the golf-course was made into a grove, the goblin-face cliff was reshaped into a crescent moon, the race-tracks have been tumbled over, and the quarry mysteriously filled with water thus now a massive lake – and showed new Night Elf settlements starting to be built as a ‘Watchdog’ of the Horde encampment – To which the Horde questlines would be to stem the tide of their prying forces.

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The forces of Stormwind were bolstered by Saurfang’s army and that was barely enough to assault Orgrimmar directly in the cinematic.

So the Alliance humans NEED Lordaeron to bolster their ranks. Kul Tiras alone won’t be enough.

Ideally the Knights of the Silver Hand would be the ones helping cure the land of blight all over Lordaeron, giving the Gilneans their shot at resettling there in Gilneas.

Also, Turalyon might be all that’s needed to reclaim many if not all the forces spread out in Lordaeron into the fold of the Alliance.

He has the greatest service record, and will be a good Supreme Commander of the Allied Races. The only challenge left is: who runs the Forsaken and where will these blight calling war criminals live? Ideally somewhere away from the Eastern Kingdoms.

Who are these humans living in Lordaeron that the Alliance can recruit into their ranks? Any living survivors of the Kingdom of Lordaeron have almost certainly already merged with the Alliance, either because they fled to the Alliance to escape the Scourge or because Tirisfal Glades is a wreck after the Battle of Lordaeron. There aren’t any troops for the Alliance to gain still living in Lordaeron at this point.

Those who lived in Lordaeron during the reign of Terenas Menethil can be easily divided into the following groups:

  • Living survivors who fled the Scourge invasion and escaped
  • Those who died, were raised, broke free, and are now Forsaken
  • Those who died, were raised, did not break free and remain Scourge
  • Members of the various holy orders in the region: Silver Hand, Argent Dawn, Brotherhood of the Light, Argent Crusade, Scarlet Crusade
  • Members of the Ebon Blade
  • Living civilians who have held tight to their lands. There were very few of these to begin with, and many have been wiped out of the years or were forced to retreat eventually, resulting in them joining one of the other groups. After the Battle for Lordaeron, I’m not sure there are any living civilians left in Tirisfal Glades.

So if that’s the case, all that’s left are scourge, wild worgen and Ettins?

Perfect time to regain Gilneas and Lordaeron City, after all those mostly human associations you mentioned earlier could rejoin the Alliance officially.

The wild worgen could then take Fenris Isle or Shadowfang Keep as their operation centres. Gilneas goes back to the Greymanes. Worgen or not.

Why do you have such a fixation on reclaiming Lordaeron for the alliance? It’s weird how you keep saying the faction “needs” it but your basis for it always comes down to people who don’t exist there.


Gilneas isn’t part of Lordaeron. It’s a completely separate kingdom. The city itself has been available for retaking since Cataclysm, as it wasn’t hit with Blight and the Forsaken pulled out their forces after Godfrey killed Sylvanas. Shadowfang Keep was part of Lordaeron in the old days while Pyrewood Village seems to have been part of Gilneas before the wall was built, so that seems to be where the old border was.

If Lordaeron City/Undercity can be reclaimed, the Forsaken will want it for themselves. There is no scenario where the Alliance rehabilitates the place and colonizes it without being challenged. Now, that challenge might be via diplomacy rather than military might given the current state of affairs, but it would still be there. Calia Menethil is not likely to support the Alliance moving in without at least some sort of accommodations made for the Forsaken, and one might think that her opinion might hold some weight in the matter. Lilian has already stated an interest in reclaiming Tirisfal, if only because the environmental climate of Orgrimmar is not well-suited to Forsaken well-being. If you want peace, the best bet would for a shared Lordaeron inhabited by both living and undead Lordaeronians, but either side holding it outright is asking for conflict.

As for the holy orders, some of them are Alliance-leaning, some are not, depending on the makeup of the membership and the history of the organization. The Silver Hand, for example, predates the Third War and has retained strong ties to the Alliance. They were neutral in Legion as the official paladin order hall organization, but at least some members fight under the Silver Hand banner for the Alliance in BfA against the Horde. The Argent Dawn and the Scarlet Crusade were formed after the arrival of the Scourge; the Scarlets are human-supremacists who are hostile to anyone not of their order, while the Argent Dawn accepts members from Horde races, including Forsaken. The Argent Crusade is a neutral organization formed by Tirion Fordring and counts many members of Horde races among their numbers, including Sin’dorei, Forsaken, orcs, and trolls. Again, considering Tirion’s personal history, as well as the history of the organization, the Argent Crusade should never take sides in the faction conflict.

Now, the Scarlets might have an interest in joining the Alliance, considering some recent pamphlets found in game, but if they did it would be part of a conspiracy to gain power and possibly take over Alliance leadership. They don’t like Anduin or Genn, they see Anduin as too soft on the Forsaken and Genn as a useful monster to be put down once he’s served his purpose.

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