Wintergrasp is literal BS

Our Halas scene was active 24/7 for the first month than after that still a few times a day you could get a good battle:

I’m not trying to pretend anything, I said Wintergrasp was pretty fun on my original server.

Although we had a lot of people who liked world PVP and the faction balance was pretty good so I’m sure that contributed.

I don’t really have a lot of memories of wintergrasp, it was kinda just…there.

Was a welfare epic generator

It was fun when you had equally balanced sides, that just didn’t happen very often(kind of like TM/SS). Particularly as it got later in the expansion cycle it was at the point where the dominant faction would control it till most of them had their lockouts on the bosses then the less dominant faction might get a chance.

Going with the BG style approach instead of the original approach will actually give a lot of people a more real WG experience with equal fights.

Most of the stuff from back in the day has been deleted but I found this from an article about my server (the article mentions the old wpvp/raiding guild I ran too :slight_smile: ) showing that Wintergrasp was alive, even when “starting at a time that was plain wrong” because you do not recruit from “dead”. This was around mid-ICC days, so late in the expansion:
“A few friends pitied me and signed the charter on a bank char, but I found and recruited the others through personal observations and chats (largely in Wintergrasp so I could see people’s performance). We started in a time that was just plain wrong for what I wanted to do, feeling like if the guild couldn’t start then, it would never be able to last. However, the guild Dirty, whose GM was a close friend of my brother’s, helped watch monitor recruits in WG when I was away”

I mean, what’s “a real WG experience” really? Having half the team give up and semi-AFK before the fight even starts… because that’s the current state of the BGs. The vast majority of people I talk to do not find the current BGs fun. So when you’ve got good memories of Wintergrasp in the past and when you’ve got characters on a balanced server it’s unfortunate that you can’t relive “the good old days” and if you decide to do that content you’re stuck with a bunch of people with terrible attitudes who don’t even want to try.

If the current TBCC battlegrounds weren’t so incredibly low quality I’d be more ok with this, well not totally because I saw Wintergrasp be a part of my original server community, but more.

It can’t be that great of an experience if you are sitting here all day.

basically all the people who say community is great, and their server is soooo awesome spend literally every waking moment on these forums

So I take anything those posters say with as many grains of salt as they have brain cells.

Grobb is too big for this to work. If wintergrasp was implemented as it used to be you would have too low of a chance to even get into the battle. Not even 1% of the population could fit.

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rofl pot meet kettle here.
Playing the game bad?
Insult intelligence cus your mad??


I don’t think anyone on other servers would disagree with this.

the only one riled up and mad here is you carl

I mean, I average 7 posts a day and I come here on work breaks and stuff as a hobby, but my /played is pretty high. Not so much recently because the game got kind of boring but yeah… I play the game lol.

I love how your lack of even trying to understand others likes and preferences led to personal attacks, again. Classy.

healthy balanced realms like GROBB should have Wintergrasp be only Grobb


Im not mad just find your lack of value as a human being hilarious.

You clearly didnt understand my comment at all. My point was its easier for ff14 because they only have to worry about population.

WoW has to worry about population balance, but also faction balance. I was saying faction balance is rough because there is no crossplay between horde and alliance. They are totally sperated. ALSO wow has racial abilities that have significant impact.

Its hard to compare ff14 keeping servers at similar numbers, to a game having yo balance numbers, factions, racials, and no crossplay

this is a player created issue and always has been. Players choose megas over balanced servers cus they want to hamster wheel grind content. People who play balanced servers shouldnt be punished for decisions other players make.

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Grobb is a mega server, too.

Grobb has 8k players both sides compared to the actual megas that have 20k+ on 1 side.

Yes. 16K players is a mega server. That’s around the same size that the largest server (Whitemane) was during WoW Classic, which is a lot larger than servers were during the original releases.

I’m not sure if you’re conflating mega server with bad, or what, but Grobbulus is also a mega server, so I’m not sure if that’s the term you’re looking for when you seemingly try to disparage players who are on large majorly single-faction servers.

You have the wrong definition for MEGA servers thats the problem silly goose!
A mega server is a 99% population server!
Benediction, Faerlina, Gehannas. Those are the mega servers.