I think this is it and I do not blame the horde they just took advantage of something that was there.
Before WG came out Alliance held their own In Epic BG’s now that WG came out I think Jugajr is the only one from the Alliance with a winning record. What I think has happened is the Hord Premades on discord is now affecting all Epic BG’s.
Everybody here knows that voice communication is big in BG’s Alliance is just way behind. If this keeps up Blizzard will have no other choice but to grant Inemia her wish to Merge Faction in PVP there more salt for your popcorn xd.
I take that back. It seems you just started posting here on that toon when WG came out. Did find one of your SS’s which shows more WG wins than the other epics:
not really, as far as i can tell alliance hasn’t been strong in ebgs since the xpac prelaunch period, they did well in IoC for a while by cheating with the glaives, but once that was fixed horde has been dominating in IoC as well. S1 my ebg win rate was about 65%, S2 so far it has bounced between 75% and 80%. i haven’t been 50% in ebgs the whole expac. last time i had a sub 50% in AV was legion.
I wish I could but my reflex messed up on me had to re download it. I had an awesome winning record wish there was a way to get your back log from reflex.
You’ve posted a few SS’s. If I really cared to go through I’m sure I could find one. I remember there was a thread of you saying things improved after playing with friends, and you posted a before and after SS
I see this behaviour quite frequently in other battlegrounds, actually. If people zone in and see the team is losing, they tend to leave. See it in WG, AV, Arathi, Eye, Warsong, Mines etc… This behaviour isn’t isolated to Wintergrasp.
Kinda can, if that was the only way they could win. It’s like arguing the only way I could get a car was to find one left running with the keys in the ignition. Or, you know, I could work hard.