Wings of liberty

Same, it does sound nice doesn’t it?

A name fit for the main protagonist class of wow.

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Man if WoL really does drop a conc after landing, I’ma feel like Thor in Infinity war when he first arrives in wakanda and charges towards the baddies.

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I want a Torrasque DK pet

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Oh so ret paladin are going to be tanks now,ok. resetting taunt ,ok.

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Thats just a very early version.

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Idc what they have to close a gap, but this whole copy and paste from other classes thing is lame as heck.

If every melee has them though every range needs to have the gap creators.

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Then if so give the holy something other than being a melee.

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It’s not entirely a copy. Paladins NPCs have had leaps since wrath. So there’s lore precedence.

It just needs a nice and shiny animation. Grapple hook is mechanically a leap but looks different.


They already ripped our divine steed straight out of Diablo, it was a matter of time before Starcraft comes in.

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That’s fine by me. As long as it’s its own thing.

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There’s data mining that suggests it’ll drop a conc, so who knows what the final product will be.


First of all, more power to Paladin’s getting a new gap closer, BUT, what do you call Divine Steed? With a talent to add a charge. Also, judgement and blade of justice are ranged.

I mean… paladins also have the ability fully immnuize themselves and immediately recover all of their health while also being able to cleanse themselves or others of multiple status ailments.

Not having a gap closer seems like a pretty fair trade off.

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Their not an INSTANT gap closer.

Judgement and blade aren’t the majority of reta damage. TV and FR are and we need to be in melee to be able to generate HP consistently for them.

And again, surv is super strong at 30 yards and has harpoon.

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No it doesn’t… the gcd, has a long Cd and can be removed by two common classes in pvp. Lay on hands is severely nerfed in pvp on top of damp and 30 sec forb.

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This is 1 of the best arguments to just delete PvP from freaking wow…

They have a hard enough time balancing PvE, let alone throwing PvP into the mix

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Now, if it replaced divine steed I’m for that but I think it would be abused as always with a taunt.

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Paladins getting babied by Blizzard while Enhancement Shaman is left to rot.

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The only two abilities that remove bubble as far as I know are Mass dispel (which you can dodge or interrupt) and titanic throw (which has a long CD, limited range, LoS and a cast time).

LoH still recovers a massive pool of health relative to what a warrior, rogue, feral druid or DK can in one go while also allowing you to heal others quickly for huge amounts.

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Paladins have been broken for a very very long time.

No one liked the big burst clunky game style. Both us and players playing against us.

Ret has been due for a face lift since getting screwed in legion.

Enh is in a bad place but this topic is about ret. You can go ahead and make a thread on how bad enh is. No need to bring your tears in here