Windseeker server

i am a returning player and i had no idea that my server windseeker is locked and i guess closing.

i am just wondering what my options for moving off the server are .

I can’t confirm on this one, but I think there is offers for free transfers off locked servers, otherwise, you’d may have to pay for the transfer.

This one I think needs to be confirmed by someone who may have more information.

There should still be free character transfers available, I believe you have to use the shop button on the character select screen, and there should be an option for free character transfer in addition to the paid ones.

If you are on Windseeker and alliance I’d reccomend Pagle or Atiesh. I’ve been on Pagle since 2019 and can say its a great server. Don’t be turned away from the “full” mark, not been any queues. If you are Horde Mankrik is the way to go.

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Pagle is where i want to go but if i have to pay anything ill just unsub.
i cant figure out for the life of me how to transfer tho .

When you click on the Shop (either at character select screen or in game), what do you see when you click the Services tab? Does it show you the option for Free Character Transfer?

Here is a screenshot of my Shop screen from when I transferred off Earthfury before Cata launch.

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woah that worked. in game it does not give a option but at the charater select screen it did .

Thankyou very much.


You’re welcome. Enjoy your new server.