Windrunner Reconciliation?

And they failed and had to eat crow and slowly give us actual high elves. Hell, we have an Altenate timeline right now where high elves are part of the Alliance. Blizzard can’t resist giving the high elves to the Alliance/have high elves do something for the Alliance. Only WoD had zero high elf involvement and honestly, that is probably for the best.


So you admit you already have them.

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But they didn’t, you have Void Elves that can play dress up, not exactly the same thing, I mean last time I checked as an actual High Elf/Blood Elf player I don’t glow, bleed different color, sound encoded, etc. not to mention I can actually pull off the real High Elf/High Elven NPC looks where Void Elves can’t so.

Sorry, more high elf customization. Now we just need the full blow thing.

And I’ll leave you with this NPC to mald over the fact Blizzard can’t help but make high elves Alliance.

And with the way WoW is going you will likely end up in the same position as people who kept saying we won’t get Man’ari. Face it, customization is the future of WoW and being who we want to be has probably been more important to Blizzard. I honestly do expect high elves as a full blown option sooner or later for the Alliance.

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An AU time rift character?


I’m not gonna mald over the few NPCs you guys have. That is only a fraction of a fraction of the entire race.


Yes, another in a long list of times when Blizzard could have used any other race but kept defaulting to high elf.

It’s just to troll you guys at this point.


Interesting that looking at things, it’s more suggestive that the Blood Elves stuck with the Alliance in that time line as they went BE with the voice lines.


I doubt it. Especially considering they had to walk back their whole “blood elves are high elves”. Blizzard devs are, luckily or unluckily probably doing everything in their power to keep WoW’s dwindling player base happy and making customization as broad as possible.

Not really. The high elves apperently use BE voice line as well:

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Where did that happen?


They never walked back Blood Elves are High Elves. They just gave you our customizations because you wouldn’t stop crying. Which then turned into you all wanting our hairstyles, and now you need the title, and then some were posting they wanted Silvermoon. It’s just one tantrum after another.

It’s time for it to end. Those few Helves should become Velves.


It was a case of Ion foot in mouth and stating that before not a patch later ultimately having high elven customization given to void elves.

Nah it time the high elves come home where they belong, in the Alliance. The Horde can keep the fair weather blood elves as allies for all I care.

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So, not walked back?


Yes walked back because he was using it to explain why the Alliance were given void elves. Only for customization to be added to give void elves high elven looks.

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See that’s what I mean. Always wanting more. You have your Helves. Those few NPCs, and your customizations. You don’t need more. I was right. Granting one thing will always lead to you all wanting more.

We’ve been in the same faction for 16 years.


The High Elves are the Blood Elves and they are a Horde Core Race and have been since Burning Crusade so yeah most people including Ion are never going to be on board with giving Alliance a Horde Core Race.

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And the high elves have been with the Alliance since Warcraft 2.

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A few of them. Most of them went Horde.

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Those that kept the name. I don’t care about those that went Horde.