Windrunner Reconciliation?

Which means nothing.

And we can easily get a quest where void elves finally get to keep the name high elves/becomes a full blow customization for void elves in the same way the Man’ari are for the draenei. If anything, that makes more gameplay sense then giving it to blood elves who would fundamentally not get anything out of it.

Not to mention doesn’t make sense considering what we now consider as high elves are specifically the ones who are not part of Silvermoon/mostly remained with the Alliance.


Actually it does, if you or any of the people like you actually believed Void Elves were High Elves like High Elves you wouldn’t be here still asking for them or wanting them but yet you are so keep acting like it’s equal footing when you know it’s nowhere near the same.

We don’t need to get anything out of it besides getting our actual race title out of it and being able to use said race title out of it finally killing the whole Alliance should get High Elves because the High Elves have been Horde since Burning Crusade, you know that, I know that, most everyone knows that.


All 14 of them that still call themselves High Elves. Because they aren’t even close to most of the race. And a lot of their offense has to do with how we get power. They are just the snobs of the race.


It makes no gameplay sense as it’s just adding duplicative options in for no good reason. Would it make sense to make a Fighter class that’s just a 1-1 copy of warrior but the skills have slightly different names?


Because at this point it is more costumization option rather then anything else. We already have about 96% of what makes high elves, high elves. All we need is a nameplate customization and a few changes to the names of the racials/effects(make it arcane rifts/arcane embrace)

As if Blizzard cares about population numbers. Void elves should in all logic be LESS numerous then high elves because they were at best a group of researchers.

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True, but also they do anything but give playable High Elves with the Alliance that still call themselves High Elves. Instead you get High Elves on the Horde named Blood Elves. Or High Elves on the Alliance that are blueberries, but now have Helf customizations.

But my comment was about you stating something about most Helves. They aren’t even close.

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Again, Alliance doesn’t have any right to the High Elven race when it’s been Horde since BC, if anything we should have it all come to us and then have the option to change our own racials on the race that’s actually the race it belongs to not the wannabe pretend one that’s void corrupted to the point it glows.

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But it’s not at all more. In a way it’s less as it’s just the same stuff that already exists taking up space that actually new options could have been put in.


The Horde does not have a right to the high elves considering it has been Alliance since Classic. Nearly Every elf that kept the high elf name has done so under the Alliance.

It would still be a new option considering no one uses “high elf” as their name plate and having racial customization to be more arcane theme would be a new spin on the racials of the void elves.


Blizzard disagreed starting with TBC. Now both have a flavor of Helves.


Ion had to eat his words and Blizzard had to walk back on void elves not having high elf customization. Clearly, the high elves are still something we are all fighting to get otherwise we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now.

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I know, it’ll never stop and then when you have named Helves, it’ll go back to everyone asking for Silvermoon, and then wanting the rest of the Helves to join the Alliance. It never ends. It will never end until Daddy Blizz puts their foot down and stops the tantrums.

Maybe they should just make those 14 Helves into Velves. Then it can really be over finally.


The ones that Blizz has continually pointed out are so few to not really exist as a people anymore?

Yes, I know quote about not caring about numbers. But this isn’t numbers, not like it’s math trying to get a head count, it’s a story statement from Blizz saying what they consider the state of the race to be.

That’s not really that important. It’s still the same assets that already exist taking up space something actually interesting could.


Again and as I said earlier it’s also been hinted that the splintered High Elves in Alliance have been returning to Silvermoon City which is an easy angle to go thus allowing us to take the whole High Elf name and banner as it was and is anyway, add in some stuff like sunwell being restored, different newer lore, etc. and you have a win for the Horde and Blood Elves.

They could have done so. A long time ago. They did not and in fact made the opposite.

As for Silvermoon, I don’t particular care about it. The high elves/void elves deserve their own nation.

Hell, all Blizzard needs to do is go the Mechagon route and have high elves that left Quel’thalas long about build a new city. Said new city needs the Alliance help, boom new high elf capital.

And the void elf area hints that their are blood elves leaving the Horde/Silvermoon and joining the void elves.


Others do so those posts will definitely start after.

The High Elves already have their own nation, but yeah the Velves should get their own city.

14 of them don’t need their own city. They usually live in Dalaran and outside settings just fine. That’s a waste of dev time. Just have them live with the Velves, and give Velves their own city.


Again, using number is so stupid when Blizzard will magic them up the population needed. You know how many draenei were supposely killed in Draenor? 80%. Pretty sure the gnomes have 90% killed off. Population numbers mean nothing.


They can leave, doesn’t mean most of them aren’t still Horde and people aren’t still coming back, Void Elves are literally a splinter faction of a splinter faction of a splinter faction, they will never have what actual High Elves/Blood Elves do, nor should they so why would Blizzard give what’s actually ours to the wannabe race and how would that be spun to actually make sense when it doesn’t.

The whole point of Blizzard creating Void Elves was to avoid giving Alliance High Elves and despite them giving them the normal customizations you are still void corrupted and Void Elves so that hasn’t changed you can just pretend to look another way.

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Except so far they’ve stuck with the story line being that they barely still exist.


Their numbers will be greater together. And besides, you just used the excuse that Velves are recruiting. Their numbers are growing.

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