Windrunner Reconciliation?

With the faction conflict fizzling away and new story avenues being presented, maybe it’s time to have Quel’thalas reunite with the last Windrunners and exiles?

If the whole void Alleria thing is too difficult, then that’s fine, but what about Vereesa? Her story has basically fallen off in terms of importance over the years, and since Alleria and the Void elves came into the picture, she no longer serves as the primary image of rebellion.

We already know that Alleria and Vereesa are back on good terms with Lor’themar, and they’ve known each other for a lifetime. Vereesa and Alleria both also say that Quel’thalas is their home.

Why not make Vereesa the bridge that starts the plot of things settling back to what it was in Quel’thalas? Maybe even the last remnants of any exiled high elves coming back to live in harmony with the others in Windrunner village (rebuilt which could be the quest line)?


First, the writers have to remember that Vereesa exists.

And regarding Windrunner Village … I’m leveling a Paladin through that area just right now, and it occurred to me that the Argent Crusade, Earthen Ring, and Cenarion Circle ought to be able to do some reclamation work. I’d love to see that happen.


Puts Velxas in a box and ships him to Stranglethorn Vale

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All it takes is one incident and the armistice of the factions is destroyed.
It only takes one Talanji in a bad mood to remember the day the Alliance raided her city.

All it takes is a Xalathat says hello to Alleria, and the woman forms an assault group for the Sunwell.

Although the blizz likes to lead characters to commit crimes against humanity and get away with an apology and regrets.


mail return to sender

And another thing!

I feel it could finally settle that old story of “what happens to their conflict”. Seems pointless now. Sunwell is back. No more sucking arcane wyrms dry. Horde is a council. Lor’themar is mr peace negotiator. Etc

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Puts a denied sticker on his forehead

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Looking back on that, she really did take the whole “you killed my dad and lots of my people” thing quite well, considering.


Shaves the Pandaren and turns his fur into a rug

Sorry. The story is handicapped by the rigid two faction system. Until it’s completely gone, and each individual group has their own reactions to other groups, untied to how “The Horde” or “The Alliance” feel about those, then we’re stuck with the “Always at odds” crap that has hamstrung the story for near 20 years.


That’ll be kinda hard, with Alleria being essentially exiled from Quel’thalas for the safety of her own people.
The forces of the void have a tendency to corrupt fonts of power, and that included the Sunwell, as we saw from the Void Elf unlock questline.
It’s not even a question of if Lor’themar wants her to be around, he likely does and didn’t make the decision lightly, it’s more than Alleria could essentially be weaponized to turn the Sunwell into either some sort of nuclear bomb level threat, or to corrupt it by unsavory folk. All you’d need to do is knock her out or suppress her and toss her into the Sunwell, or even accelerate her Void influences to essentially corrupt her and drive her mad, causing her to do the job herself.
Unless Alleria can find a way to unfuse the Void powers she’s learned from her very being, she’ll likely never be welcomed back for anything barring dire circumstances.

However, the Ghostlands are a different story. Alleria and Vareesa both independently essentially command their own troops and could easily clean up the place, if Lor’themar can tolerate the Windrunners being that close to the kingdom and let them live there. I think there’s definitely room for development on that front.

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It might be a controversial take buuuut I would love a SMC revamp, but have the currently built part be belves/horde and the ruined part rebuilt to be the velf/helf/alliance side as a way for all Thalassians to start focusing more on their people instead of fighting against each other. Could keep the scar there separating the halves or use it as a graveyard/remembrance for everyone who fell during the fall.

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To be fair. She shouldnt.


And also for the writers to stop doing a not good job.

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She’s just out having lunch with Med’an.


Vereesa’s creation was a project by Richard Knaak with the development of his character Rhonin at the time. She was pretty intricately linked to him (Rhonin) with her story surrounding him for ages. After he was deleted and she did the whole grief revenge period, she didn’t have much to go on.

She was also basically designed as the Alleria fill-in while she was MIA. Now that she is back, Vereesa is mostly only there to support the story of the other 2 or very niche situations.

Making her the bridge could give her the story development she very much needs.



She was created to be the token elf wife for a mary sue self insert character because the other hot elves were busy at the moment.


They would never get along for that to happen, and the ruined area is a quest area Horde side. The city should stay Horde. Velves should get their own city. The Helves seem content with Stormwind, Dalaran and other random settlements.

The Velves are too dangerous of a risk and the Helves don’t approve of how we conduct ourselves.


Because they don’t want to return Quel’thalas to “what it was”. The elves have changed immensely as a people in the last few decades. Why would they want to turn that back?

I think she was slightly more concerned with the “dad sold out his people, and me personally, to the Loa of Death” angle. I can see how that would be a more urgent issue than “some people out there want to overthrow me” which is kind of the default state of a monarchy.


Part of me wishes this was true, but bloodelf story developments over the years have moved them more and more away from the darker aspects and back to the original ideas.

Sunwell is back.
Magic addiction is satiated.
Light faith is back.
No more controversy of sucking mana out of things.
Green glows are fading.
Fel use is gone and dark taboo magics are frowned upon or illegal.
Peace is in the air.
Supposedly the dead scar and lands are healing or being reclaimed but its hard for them to portray that in the game.

Looking at High elves and Blood elves, it was originally a political and to a degree cultural (hurt living things for mana or not?) divide. Cultural thing is fine now, and peace with the factions and Lor’themar even having Alleria and Vereesa at his wedding.

Very much feels like they reverting.

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Yeah, I know they wouldn’t, but I can dream lol I did say it probably wasn’t a good take, but just let me back in! I haven’t had a void accident in like… 5 days!
Make that 0 days…