Windrunner Reconciliation?

Not sure there’s anything to develop with Vereesa ingame. :memo::robot:

Could maybe bring back Zendarin Windrunner as he disappeared in a flash of light, would create content with Vereesa. :closed_book::robot:

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Because she didnt originally exist.

The author just really wanted his personal self insert character who was completely awesome and great at everything to have a stand out hot elven wife. So he created one purely for that.


Every thread he participates in, it turns into a discussion about who gets the most attention from Horde X Alliance. Do not feed.


I mean, its relevant to the topic.

A Windrunner Reconciliation would be almost entirely Alliance based in story.

Wrong one. Vereesa. :wink:


What are you talking about? Shes been in lore since Day of the Dragon novel back in 2001 along with other books before WoW was even relesed. Shes had an in game modle since Wrath


She was created because an author looked around and said “I need a hot elven wife for my personal mary sue character, and the ones I’d regularly choose are busy”


I think all of the except Sylvanas were made for that reason. Then Sylvanas was made into that later.


I am not sure I’d say Sylvanas and Aleera didnt exist until an author specifically needed a hot elven wife for his mary sue self insert character that was perfect at everything.


You know this…how?
Also if he did who cares?

Also,why did your statement change from “she originally didnt exsist” to… what ever this is…

It’s pretty obvious just reading any of Knaak’s trash.


Because I read the books.

My statement didn’t change. I expanded on it. I even quote you myself from a much earlier part in the thread.

I’ve really exhausted myself on this topic and dont really want to divert the thread to this, even if I feel strongly on it.

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I’d rather not, I don’t care much for how Alliance centric most of the game is as it is and in this case I’d prefer that Horde/Blood Elves just reclaim using the High Elf name and then anything pertaining to it because it’s ours anyway, that way Alliance can keep their Void Elves/void stuff and we can have the High Elf/Blood Elf name/factions on Horde where they are anyway since Blood Elves are the High Elves just renamed.


Why should blood elves reclaim the name? The blood elves tossed out the name of high elves in favor of blood elves and it is the majority of those who kept the high elf name are the ones joining the Alliance.

If anything, the Alliance should keep the high elf name and the blood elves can get something like fel elves or whatever.


That’s an easy answer because Blood Elves are the High Elves, it’s literally all of our lore, we can easily rename ourselves High Elves from Blood Elves like we did from High Elves to Blood Elves, not to mention everything High Elven is basically ours as well which I already said so it fits, just have the few off shoot people and NPC’s return to Silvermoon City which has already been somewhat hinted at anyway and bam you have all the High Elves/High Elf stuff under one umbrella again on the Horde side and the Void Elves/void stuff on Alliance side.


Over in Silithus by the big sword.

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The same applies to void elves.

Except the same applies to void elves. And the blood elves do not use the high elven name anymore. The game has specified constantly, that these are two different group of people. It would be like calling an Italian a Roman at this point

Yeah, literally most of the remaining high elves have bitter memories of the blood elves and have been living in Alliance lands of their own volition. Hell, the most famous high elf now, Vereesa is an Alliance partisan.

With any luck the next expansion of WoW ultimately gives the Alliance what we have always wanted. Actual high elves.


did you even play warcraft ii? alleria was in the expansion.way back in 1998.

Who? Sylvanas or Alleria?

alleria windrunner.

They are actually void corrupted Blood Elves which are High Elves but still void corrupted which is why they glow blue, bleed blue, sound weird and have bad hair.

You can keep her and Alleria, doesn’t change the fact we could easily reclaim the High Elf name and every aspect of it with a simple questline and it’s more likely it would go to Horde side given again we are the known High Elves, it’s our entire lore and we aren’t void corrupted like Void Elves.

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