I miss Retardedfish and Kavy
Hey friends,
Human Paladin named Wayn and a dwarf warrior that had the unique name of Dwarfie
I was a part of a few guilds, however the only one I remember was House Atreides
It’s hard, as I was young (14-16) at the time, so the names that I remember were
- Dae(something) a nightelf warrior and his wife who played a nightelf priest I think her name started with a W or Y?
- Raid.
- Atreides.
Many familiar names showing up now.
My old guildies NightStab and Kimasu/Takeri.
Also remember coming across Monikor many times!
Kimasu & Lewyy! Remember many of the Clan Pooh people due to being Aussie as well. I’m still mates with Asulo if you remember him.
Torn between rolling on Mankrik (which seems to be the consensus) or rolling Remulos and actually being on an Oceanic server this time round. Sent you a friend request Yemic and will see where I end up.
Hey Windrunner!
I used to play as a NE Hunter named Shadowess, ran with The Bar Patrons, then later The Pub Crawlers. I wasn’t really the most socially active back then, but its great seeing so many names I had hardly remembered pop up! If somehow my name rings any bells for you, please, feel free to hit me up!
Hi Windrunner!
I played a human mage named Lundi in Order of the Alliance and House Atredeis. Would love to see some old faces in Classic. I’m trying to convince my RL friend Lucian from FL to come back as well.
I have to wonder if anyone from Boys of Beef are still around? Since all the other guilds I knew left Windrunner during BC. I used to play NE warrior named Brianxavier. Good luck to all coming back to classic, hope you have fun!
Saint also responded in the windrunner/darrowmere post, but Pasting from the windrunner post:
Used to be in /rQ here as a US member, raid tanking… was under raging, chubby or Mex at the time, can’t recall–warrior tank btw… saintgotenkx, brune, jimx, valex, pfo, erienne, man bringing back great memories… fell out of touch with them… me and saintgoten were great buddies and kept in touch for quite a while when they had the guild forums… just saying whats up every now and again…
ahh classic. Only because this conversation sparked did I even think to google… I don’t think it’s a coincidence there is a guild on frostmourne (oceanic ofc) named Jims and a warlock named saintgoten is in there. Doriath, Valex, & Dog I definitely remember u.
This is my original character Doroboo. Played with Clan ToSu on this and Lakiera the dwarf priest throughout Vanilla. After that, I played shadow priest on various servers in TBC/Wrath and beyond
I mainly remember Wange, Moogy, Biky and Durai from Clan ToSu
I will be rolling Horde on Stalagg for Classic with some RL friends
Nightstab here was part of RageQuit would love to join you all in Mankrik US PVE EST Alliance. in RageQuit we made it all the Naxx but only took down about 5 bosses in vanilla naxx (ty dognight). Would love to see some faces of /rQ and FL join forces. Hopping to get a reply from Yemic
Hey everyone! It’s nice to see so many familiar names. I was just able to reserve Zaze on Mankrik. I don’t know if I’ll play a lot, but I’ll definitely give it a try. I look forward to catching up with old friends
Hey man add me Yemic213#1694 I just made my characters on Mankrik. I don’t think we have any formal plans but I would love to just play with old school windrunner people, hit me up! You too Zaze
Dig, Pally, Digtwo Mage Digthree Hunter and all the others as well lol, oh and Dmule hahahahaha.
Hi old friends…
Not sure how much time I’ll have to play, but I’ve also reserved names on Mankrik
Hi Windrunner!
I’m probably like everyone else, a bit tentative about getting sucked back into the vortex of classic wow but hey, its impossible to resist. Reserved my name on Mankrik too.
Dig! You stole my naming convention Yemic Yemictwo Yemicthree… Yemicnine. You rolling on Mankrik with us?
Balls and Dig, add me Yemic213#1694
Reserved on Mankrik as well.
we are so simple…
Hey Cuppykins! Hope you’ve been well!
If you decide to play on classic - Myself, Eielwind and Czechowicz are going to be Alliance on Herod. I’ll be under the tag Ngry instead of Martem.
Hey mate we are going horde as well, I
just got my name reserved Lewy on both ocean sever not sure what one we are playing yet