Hey bro, how are you going. we are going horde not sure what sever yet just got Lewy reserved on both and battle tag is lewy#1534 if you want to add me and are keen to play
Sorry wrong person
Remember you Mex. Good to see you around.
Reserved DogKnight on Mankrik.
And Nightstab, we downed more than 3 bosses in Naxx. Was at least 5. Have 6 stuck in my head for some reason. But it was a long time ago.
Ahh thank you DogKnight, good times for sure, wish we can go back in time but classic is as close as were going to get for a better WoW. Wonder were Ultramarine has been up to.
Hello Windrunner,
I am looking forward to reconnecting with some familiar names etc once the servers open on the 26th.
I played Sutures Dwarf Warrior in Lords of Karma and a few other guilds over the years.
I also boxed Embrace a Dwarf Priest (fear ward) in Lords of Karma and moved him around as I did also.
I have reserved Sutures for Mankrik but atm I am looking at playing horde as I never really invested in a horde toon and feel that it will give me a fresh outlook on the game playing a different race/allegiance.
Anyways feel free to hit me up or send me friend requests.
Had wrong char up.
Hey All,
Icywind checking in. I originally played on Windrunner Alliance as a member of The Elite BrotherHood with Vincent before the guild merged with a couple others and formed Forlorn Legacy. In FL, I raided as a Priest from the first days in Molten Core until AQ40 and C’thun.
I wanted to give a shoutout to many of the familiar names already in the thread. Duinan, Shantrel, Thereaper, Zaze, Dig, and of course Yemic - one of the kings of raid DPS in the early days - unless he pulled aggro and died.
Also it would be great to hear from some of the old school guild members - folks such as Thorin, Cev, Vincent, Angelic, Somara, Dissonant, Dhivaul, and Essamore. If anyone has any stories, screenshots, or videos to share from Vanilla WoW, I’d love to see them either on this thread or on my Battlenet tag Icywind#1337.
Greetings Windrunner.
Pocket/Chaffin Lock/Enh Sham from Templars of the Cross . So good to see so many old familiar names: TGF, RageQuit, House Atredeis, FL, OOTA, Tosu, DW, just to name a few.
My brother Kalvarin and vanilla friend turned IRL friend Chucklehead will be accompanying me and my new guild to Whitemane (PVP). Anyone just coming back and wanting to aim for a week three or week four rag kill is welcome to follow.
I will probably roll a PvE server as well, where ever my Templar family lands, but my focus will be a PvP server this time around… too many Black Lotus were stolen from me by the six horde we had on Windrunner.
Hi Icy, I sent you a friend request Are you rolling on Mankrik alliance with us? We are filthy casuals now but trying to get as many as I can. I heard Thorin still plays on Windrunner alliance so I reached out to him without a response yet, Angelic is done with WoW as I am led to believe. Cev was playing on a private server a few years back I know I saw him, someone I have already contacted knows his info (I forgot who) and we are trying to contact him The rest on your list I am not so sure about. Anyone on this thread that wants to add me feel free Yemic213#1694 just send a message or something with your character name if its not obvious
Where’s that troll from trade chat Retardedfish? Everyone remember him?
lol i remember Retardedfish
Hey Yemic, my account for WoW isn’t active at the moment, so I might not get your friend request immediately if it’s in-game.
I wasn’t planning on coming back for Classic - mostly just stopping by to say “hi” to everyone. However, if we get a decent sized squad going on the Classic realms, I might hop on with everyone to stop by, chat, and start leveling a character.
Oi Kimasu!! Whats up dude? Thinking of hitting this classic business hardcore, only this time pvp. Clan PooH was a blast, miss those days.
Sharding = Layering no no no o no
Raided in Ominous and am looking for Xian and any others I was tight with. My main toons were:
Pernicious - Rogue
Deleterious - Druid
Holyvigra - Paly
Hey all Ulaenyth here not sure if anyone remembers me much I was in The Alliance Council and used to duel people outside Ironforge in the nude with Cynaster and a Paladin friend who’s name I can’t recall now. Anyway I’ve made a character on mankrik and will be dragging my wife in with me too! I still play my original hunter and will be playing hunter again.
Tag yourself im the coward ryosynada
i.imgur dot com/CX3jpS6.jpg
Hey Windrunner,
I used to play Aemon, NE Rogue, back in Vanilla. Was in RageQuit for a bit until I rammed heads with Ultramarine and was kicked. But continued to hang with Cylas, Bio, Petfoodonly, Asthesunsets, Thavs, and a couple of others in RQ into the end of TBC. Trying to get a few of them back to Classic.
Hello Windrunner. When i played vanilla classic with my brother yemic i was the human warrior named Conquest and human priest named Jauq. i was the guild lead for the guild Ashes of Avalon which was in the beginning kinda the largest catch all guild for casuals on alliance at the very start. we use to run large raids on the city’s like thunder bluff and im looking to do this again. then i just went on the friends and family raids with forlorn legacy with my brother yemic who was a member. my dps wasnt on that level (im a good healer though) and i got good fish jokes! im looking to play a alliance priest named freshwater on mankirk with my brother yemic and sweeps known as the horde undead pvp warlock ip ic sweeps. we got him to roll alliance this time. hit me up if you knew any of us and we will connect you.
yes to this brother mankirk will be perfect. cant wait to be a healer this time around!