Windrunner Alliance Reconnections

Just came here looking for Ladybug, biggest troll on Windrunner,

Elvenrage-Nightelf hunter


Hello Windrunner,
Dagath here. I still have the dwarf hunter that I played back then, only I just renewed my subscription after 5 years. I was part of The Bar Patrons for a short while, then moved to Dirty Deeds after TBP disbanded.

Hoping to see some old names I remember! (Notably Skullhitter and Rosemadder)

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Alrighty, it looks like myself and several other Forlorn Legacy members are going to alliance side US-PVE Mankrik for anyone that wants to relive some old glory days like Al Bundy with highschool football. Hit me up Yemic213#1694

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Hey all, I was and still am Maxenjoy the Human Pally… I was GM of The Bar Patrons until I was deployed to Iraq. I remember a few of you. Helsent, SPeedyjosh, and Dagath. I’m rolling on a normal server with GodTier Gaming, hit me up in game if you want to wax poetic about the old days… Look forward to see some old peeps!

Blizzard Tag: maxenjoy#1471
Discord Tage: maxenjoy#7246

Hey Mescoa! I remember you, I played a Night Elf hunter named Critical on WR, I sat in Goldshire daily. I know you and Whiteberry were always on the fence :slight_smile: We used to chat sometimes!

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Hey everyone! I had multiple mains back in the day, here are there names:
Dreadwytch - prot warrior
Rain - human lock
Crying - night elf druid
Critical - night elf hunter
Would love to reconnect with old friends I played with! :slight_smile:

For anyone that wants to still play PVE on a EST like Windrunner was, why dont we just call Mankrik the server and make it easy? That way we can reconnect with everyone if they choose same server


Hey all! This is the character I used to play on back in the day - Jashann, a night elf druid. These days I go by WirdNah and play a lot of StarCraft 2. Although I still poke in WoW every now and then.

I used to raid with Apotheosis up through wrath until I switched servers.

Great seeing you all! I’ll totally make a character on Mankirk. Even though I probably didn’t talk to most of you, many of your names are very familiar. I’m sure we brushed shoulders a few times

hello windrunner. this is Unomeme gnome mage. i used to run with veritas back in the day. ive been playing on and off throughout the years. alot of familiar names in here! would be nice to hear from some old friends!!

Martem, I remember you! This it Cuppykins. Boy do I remember OOTA. I remember I had my differences towards the end with Khatslano. But to this day when I play, raid or group, I have the same info that was always drilled into us. I thank them now, but then I thought it was overkill. I take that all back lol. I don’t plan on playing classic, but I do currently play both Horde and Alliance and have been enjoying every expansion and what it has to offer.


Well, I’ll be the first to say hi. This is Cuppykins (Lisa). Nice to see you are returning to the game after your break. A lot has changed in the game, and I think you will enjoy it. I have continued to play to this day. I have enjoyed each expansion, played both sides of the fence, it’s been fun. I do not play that toon. I just let her sit. I play on 2 servers Zangarmarsh & Winterhoof. Hoping you will say hi in return. I have zero hard feelings about the past. It’s done and long gone. :ok_hand:

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I played a fire mage named Ilikegrapes! I was active in trade and a lot of people knew me! Hope to see some familiar faces!

thats awesome lol

hahaha i remmeber ladybug

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Reap! My brother from another mother! How goes the things? :wave:

I see you haven’t hit max level yet. What’s up with that? :smile:

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Hey PooH, good times!


Hello, pals! I played a priest named Kairi (RageQuit, Forlorn Legacy, PANTS PIRATE), as well as a rogue named Takeri.

I am probably going to be horde this time around, but if anyone would like to reconnect my battletag is abetterghost#1535.


Hey Kairi, Cag here. I haven’t seen you on discord in ages!
Don’t roll Horde, come alliance! I’m planning on rolling PVP EST (most likely on Herod) with some IRL friends.

Used to play here in 2006. Shout out to Guilded Flagon and Forlorn Legacy.

I was a human warrior by the name clinriddick - got to rank 11

Some names that I can recall

Cynaster (NE warrior from Guilded Flagon with Ashkandi)




Kurkjianone (thanks for showing me duskwood)

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Thereaper: Malosa, BG, myself, and hopefully more are rolling on Mankrik US PVE EST alliance if you want to join us, anyone else you know please invite them