[Win 7] Error #132 or missing DLL on launch after patch 10.0

This issue started happening since pre-patch came out. Way before emergency maintenance. They are looking into it as highest priority.

thx for the updates psych…bout 20% away but good to know they arent just dropping 7 and they are working on the issue…was already hesitant coming back so you can imagine my frustraition lol


Has anyone fixed this ERROR 132 issue, if so, please inform because im going crazy!

You can try the fixes that have been mentioned above. If none work, you aren’t alone and Blizz is working on it.

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Having the same issue. Windows 7 on a computer I built 11 or so years ago. has and older i5 from that time 3.38ghz or something like that. i haven’t used this thing in 4 years as i was just to busy to game with kids and work and all that. I remember just before i stopped playing my video card crapped out and i replaced it with something cheap but cant remember what. was able to run overwatch with no problems though. i don’t want to sink any money into this computer and was planning on getting a new one in the new year if i get into the game. But i am kind of choked i cant play as i pre ordered the expansion and its looking like i cant even play it.

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yeah, I’ve tried them all. Driver updates to Uninstall and still a no go. So i guess patience and letting Blizz do their thing is gonna have to be it.

same here, sucks don’t it. I guess Starcraft until they fix it. Would like a discount on the next payment though lol


Same problems here. Windows7 with NVIDIA GeForce GTX660M card.
Tried the reinstall.
Updated the video driver.
Tried the command line roll back.
Still get the error…

World of Warcraft Not Working on Windows 7 After 10.0 Patch - Blizzard Support (battle.net)

So I noticed this morning (as of 0412 CST) Blizz has removed the thread at the link above. Is this a good or bad thing?


Damn that sucks

same here, very upsetting

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Yes very upsetting. Refunds / discounts should be in order if they do not get this fixed right away.



I have done everything Blizz offered with no joy.
Any chance there is an update?
After playing this game for 13 years it seems that these issues would be fixed.
Not all of us can just buy a new OS.

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Maintenance tomorrow. Hopefully this issue gets fixed after it. Considering they said this is currently their highest priority we may have hope. Fingers crossed everyone!


Guys! I don’t want to make promotion for any website but there are “CLOUD GAMING SERVICE” that provides access to any game you want…and it is actually running wow just fine!

It cost me $10 for 1 month…I know this is not a solution at all, but could help those who reallyyyyy want to play right away!

Using a cloud gaming service to play warcraft is not allowed and may result in being banned.

After I manually installed “api-ms-win-core-com-l1-1-0.dll” and then “api-ms-win-downlevel-kernel32-l2-1-0.dll” and getting rid of those errors, I still kept getting the error #132 fatal exception, after trying each of the directx commands in the game settings and still crashing, I checked to see if my graphics drivers were up to date even though I thought I had just checked them last month.

Well apprently I hadn’t, updating the drivers on this poor old Nvidia Geforce GT 640 (a micro computer since my gaming computer died on me two months ago) got the game working. Having “-d3d11legacy” or “-d3d11” set is apprently required now though.


Ok so after throwing myself a pity party and trying to come up with a way to budget a couple grand for a new gaming computer I decided to not let the ADHD beat me and figured out what cheap vid card i hard replaced my original one with. Turns out to be a Geforce GT 710 i then went and updated the drivers. so after updating the drivers and with d3d11legacy put in I WAS able to log in. to top it off everything is running so much better then it had prior. so hidden up side to all of this. still running windows 7 (yes i am lazy,have ADHD and hate dealing with change. Not change its self i love that. just hate dealing with it.) so yeah i got it working. So if you are running windows 7 and have at least Geforce GT 710 you should be able to get it working. Make sure your drivers are up to date and you put in that d3d11 or d3d11legacy like i did. ( i never tried not doing the d3d11legacy after updating drivers. It works so why look the gift horse in the mouth.)

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the worst thing is not even installing the bloat10 is guaranteed for fixing the problem.
I have an amd 6000 series so F me with updates.

Maintenance most likely addresses this in the morning is my guess

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World of Warcraft Not Working on Windows 7 After 10.0 Patch - Blizzard Support (battle.net)

I noticed this morning (as of 0412 CST) Blizz has removed the thread at the link above even though if you navigate to the Breaking News: Dragonflight Pre-Expansion Patch - Common Issues/Technical Issues/Client it’s still the 5th bullet listed. Is this a good or bad thing?

Still get the error. Recap so far:

Same problems here. Windows7 with NVIDIA GeForce GTX660M card.
Tried the reinstall.
Updated the video driver.
Tried the command line roll back (tried all 3 options: -d3d12, -d3d11, -d3d11legacy).
I can hear the music but…
Still get the error…

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