[Win 7] Error #132 or missing DLL on launch after patch 10.0

Hey Bee i still like u get that error too i notice today server goes down on 7 a.m to 8 a.m i think that time is for fix some bug like this error need to wait after that time see is going to fix or not

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I hope there is a fix now, yesterday we had a 2 hours maintenance too but not fix at all :frowning:


yeah i hope too if blizz ignore this issue they just lose player like before i hope we get answer today

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Maintenance is done. Or at least the banner is gone. Attempting to log on now.

Nope. Same issue. Still not fixed


Highest priority is apparently below whatever they did for an hour today.


i hope with the maintenance will work but not, still not working for me also and i tried all the codes etc in the desktop app :frowning:

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Mine is still not working.


Thanks for this!
Tried updating drivers through Windows, was still having problems.
Read this, went to Nvidia’s website and downloaded drivers, and voila. Saved me from being grumpy lol. :slight_smile:

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I didnt see a thread dedicated to this exact error.
Windows 7 user and like many Im getting the missing “api-ms-core-com-[1-1-0.dll” file when trying to log in after the update. I tried changing the additional command line in game settings to various -d3d11legacy, -d3d11, -d3d12 but nothing. My video card is up to date even though last updated 2015?

Game times running out soon thought I might give wow a go again but this error may just make my mind up for me if I come back or not?

Any help around this issue would be great.


not sure if it would be related but what video card do you have. 2015 is a super old video card driver.

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Same issue. I was leveling my second druid in Legion last night, and now I’m completely shut out. Very sad. :frowning: Also Windows 7 user.

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Same here. Running windows 7.

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Same here. My vid card is newer…

Same here. Windows 7 and it says the same file is missing. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling WoW and it still does the same thing. I’ve run virus scans, etc and nothing has worked.


It’s happening to me too! Was fine until this new patch.


Add my name to the list of win 7 users that cant launch the game.

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Same. Windows 7 user here

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fine at 3 am before reset update now nothing but this crap

login errors, Api-ms-win-core-com-11-1-9.dll missing
reinstall to fix
error #132 (9x85100084) fatal exception!
Program: C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft_retail_\Wow.exe
ProcessID: 8036
ThreadID: 3380
The instruction at “0x00000001419e126a” refrenced memory
at “0x0000000000000020”
The memory could not be “read”.

read where others have reinstalled and still get error…
do not want to try reinstall

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I was reading a thread on this issue on the DF Beta, it appears as if blizzard is moving away from Windows 7 as it was an issue for win 7 users on beta and it wasn’t addressed.