[Win 7] Error #132 or missing DLL on launch after patch 10.0

It is unlikely they will reply to this thread or others like it.

For those who run Win 7 like I do, the command listed higher up in the thread worked for me, it could be an issue with graphics cards, drivers, RAM, or perhaps the way these systems communicate or read. So as many have said, the command works for some and not for others.

Good luck, hope Blizzard gets their act together.


What worked for me specifically was going to Nvidias website and downloading the newest driver specific to my graphics card. GeForce experience didnt update anything but after I downloaded the driver from the site it worked. Running a GeForce Gtx 670 here. Hopefully this helps someone

There was a small update but it didnt fix anything sadly

Im starting to consider replacing my 9 years old graphic card to a 3 years old graphic card :smile:

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Same! I tried the other suggestions with no improvement. I then went on my graphics card website and installed the latest update and I can play again. Win7 user here

There was a small patch this morning. Didn’t fix the issue.

I checked some of the other suggestions about video card driver updates and tried that and i was already at the most up to date driver.

Having the same issue…tried everything to fix it, (reinstall too) and nothing has helped. Game worked for me (windows 7, etc) before the update yesterday…hopefully this is fixed soon so I don’t have to get a new PC just to play when I could before this… :frowning:

And I am at the most recent drivers for graphics, etc

I was having the issue after the maintenance. For me using the -d3d11legacy option made it work on the Beta client but Retail still failed with the option added.

I updated drivers just now and it started working for Retail.

Using Windows 7 Professional / NVIDIA 1080

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Still not working for me even after trying the suggested fixes. Upgrading to windows 10 really isn’t an option for me at this point - haven’t even been able to buy Dragonflight yet - but at this point, I guess not pre-purchasing has turned out to be a good thing if I’m not going to be able to play with my current pc. :frowning:


I’m running Windows 10 and I just started having this issue.

BUT, it only happens when I exit the game.

I can login and play the game just fine.

It’s only when I hit “exit game” that it throws this error at me.

When I hit “reopen”, it won’t let me connect to the game, and then I have to close out and hit “play” again on the Bnet launcher. I’ve replicated this bug about several times at this point and it’s the same thing each time.

I login normally with the Bnet launcher, I wait a minute or so in game, I hit “exit game” via the in game menu, the game exits, and then it throws this error at me. “Reopen” will not connect me to the game again at all. I have to close out entirely and then relaunch from the Bnet launcher to get in again.

I’ve done this several times and it wasn’t happening before the update at all.

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I game same error. I had 2 errors a dll missing which I replaced now your error. How did you chabge your DX?

I can’t get into game at all. As soon as I hit play there is a 10 sec pause then the error.

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I am also having this error. Windows 7 and very old computer, but was running fine on Monday. Reinstalling now, if that doesn’t work ill try the commands that were recommended. Curious if they will address this.

Edit: reinstall didnt work. going to wait for patch thats coming i hope! did some research and this has happened before and they patched it

They better as I refuse to use win 10. I’ll go play FF14 if need be. Lots of people still run Win7


A huge number of people still use win 7 in this game im sure theyre going to address it somehow


I’m using windows 10, 64 bits and still getting this error…

For those that updated video drivers you can’t still get in right?

anyone tried installing windows 11?

It won’t work on 7 or 10

Best i could achieve is fiend some weird video card upgrades that locked me in a bad screen resolution but allowed me to run the intro video. If However if I skipped the video or wait til the end game still crashed

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Windows 7 user, and I was also having issues. Just chiming in to say that as some others had success with, once I updated my video card it started working fine.

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Was finally able to get in for a short time before emergency maintenance. Not sure if it was the -D3D11LEGACY I added in the suggested game options place - or if they’re actually getting it working. Hope this emergency maintenance addresses any other issues and we can all hopefully get back to the game.

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