Will you quit WoW for the LoL MMO

This thread honestly just feels like another “FF14 is the WoW killer!” thread.

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Hasn’t his lore been retconned like three times? What is his lore now a days anyways, oh wait, he throws spears and lives on a mountain… yeah brilliant stuff Riot.

No because LoL is boring.

LoL’s lore began to lose me when it started trying to be too serious.

The story and lore are incredibly boring, the gameplay is very fun… sometimes.

I specified WoW for a reason.

WoW’s lore was built on the shoulders of titans after Warcraft 3 and the writers have completely squandered it. Even Arthas is basically an inspector gadget villain who has to pretend that every loss and failed plan he has he has is actually him just playing 5D chess.

And that’s the best of WoW’s lore.

If Arthas didn’t have Warcraft 3 to build him up, he’d have been a joke of a villain on par with the Jailer.


WoW is more P2W than LoL is, and lets not even mention HS.


With the amount of time and energy you’ve put into this game, I’m still pressing X to Doubt on your sincerity that “LoL is sooooo much better, to infinity!”

That isn’t even remotely true. Though I have no idea about HS.

League of Legends is very predatory, targeting kids with impulse buys. The entire thing is kind of brilliant how immoral and profitable it is. League was so incredibly profitable that it kind of became the model that other games based their cash shop transactions off of.

Believe me I played League starting when it moved away from WC all the way up til now, and I’ve seen how their business model has evolved. They started off with skins to support the game, but soon realized that skins were great bait for whales and overly impulsive people, especially children.

There is no world that exists where WoW has a more expansive cash shop than league. Though you used the word “P2W” and I never said that.

I can play multiple games?

WoW is a good game. It’s PvE especially is completely unmatched and no other game has anything that matches up to WoW’s raiding.

It’s just that WoW’s story is doodoo and has been for a looooong time. Basically forever. Things like “DRAENOR IS FREE”, “I AM MY SCARS”, “my eyes are blue so im a good guy now teehee” and “Actually everything that has happened since the beginning of time is my 5D chess plan, even stuff that I can’t actually influence, even indirectly because the mark of a well designed plan is leaving things up to pure luck” aren’t new developments, they’re just the mark of a bad writing team that has ran out of actually solid material to build on.

HS is basically the poster child for being a predatory CCG. Basically only Yugioh and MTGA have it beat in that regard.

ABK as a whole are significantly more predatory than Riot, with Riots model basically selling cosmetics across all their games and ABK having zero qualms about selling power.

Not that Riot are completely pure, they are a business after all and basically only really selling cosmetics is about as harmless as you can get.

Though I definitely gotta question the pricing model on Valorant cosmetics.

Sure, if they add spacegoats.

Yeah I was going to mention MTGA, I think it wasn’t AS bad as it is now, but it’s pretty bad. Basically a pay to win or even a pay to play game. Basically the worst model you can have.

Hearthstone has made improvements (probably due to players fleeing standard/wild mode, they no longer have the CCG market cornered like they used to be) and MTGA has only gone downhill.

But both are a pretty far cry from actually F2P friendly CCG’s like Gwent or Runeterra. They’re still desperate to milk HS players though, by making Battlegrounds (probably the only aspect of the game that’s actually growning) pretty P2W and locking character choices at the start of the game unless you pay.

hey that actually looks pretty good!

That’s… one way to sum it up

I might give it a shot; but I have noticed that no matter where I go, I always end up right back here. :sheep:

Depending on the playable races, we might stop playing World of Warcraft for this.

Time and time again the developers have been proven to be disloyal to their customers. If the MMO is as good as the netflix animation, then it will be Riot’s WoW-killer.

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No. I’ll play it tho.

For real. When will they learn that, when I say jump they should respond “How high?” not “We don’t have the resources for that.”

They can’t even balance they’re moba properly . Why do you think they can balance an mmo.

I’ll dabble in it, let’s hope it’s nothing like new world. It really needs to be different.

If I can’t play as a yordle that spits darts I’m not interested

I’d leave if they remade SW Galaxies.


You know they’re saying that because Blizzard=Bad right?

Anything not Blizzard=Good

You playing WoW=Bad

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