It’s hard to explain. I play both games but FF14 feels more fluid in playing older content. Like you can play heavensward and feel like you’re playing the newest expansion. Idk lol
i mean you’re not wrong…at least from plat up. but the one true king of toxic is the rocket league community.
And you STILL won’t even pretend to approach your original argument.
earlier in this thread you said we know how many people play wow by just being in game and viewing participation. there’s literally no where to go with that.
you win this bud. you’re right and i’m wrong. i’m playing some league…
I never said any of that. That’s some imaginary argument you’ve made up for me somewhere amidst the unhinged rambling about Joe Rogan, Ivermectin, and Bellular.
im sorry i guess this wasnt you.
also i got bot lane. should i ezreal into their jinx? 1 more pick to decide
i panic picked caitlyn.
league has an interesting world look at the success of arcane in netflix,the cinematics already are more frequent and at same quality if not better than blizzard. btw riot cares about negative feedback so they listen and dont pull shady stuff like brutosaurus total removal
It may actually be free. One of the developers on twitter said they aren’t certain what their business model will be, but one thing they know for sure is that they want it to be similar to their other games. They want people to spend money only because they want to, and not feel like they have to, which they have actually done a great job of so far.
You think Google analytics and Achievement tracking in player armory is logging in and watching ppl? What?
I get it, older content for wow is mostly for collectors imo but it is there so I always give the squinty eye when people say other games have more content than Wow. I realize though what they probably mean is for max level. Wows approach is different than FF’s and some of us prefer it that way though I do often say Blizz could utilize their *mode (like WarMode) tech to give players who want it a world where all mobs have scaled to max level.
I will leave wow for a game that has zero tolerance for virtue signaling and does not cater to hard core raiders thus making the main base drop their subs.
Alienate your main paying base is never a good idea.
WoW would serve itself well by not making virtually everything outside of current patch content obsolete.
Diet Coke please. I’m watching my weight.
I know you didn’t say it but some people have suggested that they’d like for older areas in wow to be applicable to current content progression. That sounds like a big ask, maybe a couple zones would be fine like how they did Uldum and Vale in 8.3.
I think an open world scaled to max mode is a reasonable request and a way to queue for older instances. However the problem I foresee with that is certain items from legacy dungeons may be more powerful than they should be which will “force” players to do that content and no one should be made to do Stockades or something for a trinket that’s BiS for M+
Also as time goes on I can see it becoming a bit difficult to keep track of. We only really have two examples of it right now, Uldum and Vale, but if Blizz starts doing it every xpac we’ll have more and more phases of zones and NPCs to swap to those phases which isn’t really a problem if you do it while current but people going back later may find it a bit nuts.
Yep, ghostcrawler is the lead dev of it and knowing riot track record the game will be amazig.
League lore is really good, even though you have to dig it a little bit on their universe site.
Shout out for Pantheon being the best character and having the best theme song.
As one of the people that recently decided to sub to this product again after hearing microsoft is in the process of buying out actiblizzard while also remembering to having only last played this product back in it’s launch period to the Burning Crusade expansion just to then delete that account in the later half of the next expansion where then years later I eventually returned with this one which i’m currently slowly replaying through WoW Classic but only on a casual basis (aka leveling through questing).
I’ll be honestly surprised if I maintained my subscription for that long since after replaying through the former products state that’s now known of as the “classic” version while also watching gameplay and getting a taste of the experience that awaits me in what’s called the “retail” version. I personally don’t see much value in this product outside of the classic version of the product for me because while the retail product contains more content to go through that I surely missed. It’s clear that it overly values the endgame content like raiding and reputation/daily grinds while also streamlining the product further and further so users can effectively just “pick up and play it” at any level which services like the level boost only reinforces this design to be pushed as far it can go and adding to that with how poorly the game has been handled over the years with things like the imo declining quality in the warcraft story to the rather clear fear of changing the status quo in the gameplay by constantly removing features that might have been a heavy improvement to the games future value like Server Events to even Class Flavor systems just isn’t something I can see much entertainment value in for me while more and more fresh worlds await for me to go and explore and level through.
That’s just my take on this though and after reading the replies it seems some users will heavily disagree on my stance here but whatever, i’ll just go back to lurking now as it were called
Pantheon has an insane theme but I personally think Pyke has the best one
I don’t think it would be practical to effectively rebuild all content to a modern standard without costing too much in ongoing development, but it would be a good practice to implement going forward from now on. At bare minimum, a cohesive narrative that won’t feel like some lost in time island divorced from the game would be nice.
We aren’t getting an actual WoW 2, but there is a good opportunity to effect that in spirit with the current situation with the lore and content stagnation. Treat now as a launch point for a new version of the game that isn’t beholden to tired and uninspired design principals.
You’re joking right?