Will you quit WoW for the LoL MMO

I just meant the “we must try him!” when the dude did so many war crimes against his own people and the Alliance.

And killing him would have prevented the wod story from every happening haha.

I mean, I doubt he would have been allowed to die, instead of time travel chicanery nabbing him at the last second.

And I also understand that, but blah blah blah taoist morals blah blah blah buddhist morals.

Which is why I’d wait to avoid the initial rush of people trying to join and play while also possibly not be left on a realm tossed up to handle the rush that’ll become dead a month later.

Wildstar,ESO,GW have taught me a little patience on trying to be the first to play a new mmo on day one.

Only if they made it that way :stuck_out_tongue: Granted alternate Draenor COULD have been good if they didn’t screw it up.

Day one is the best day though! All warts included.

And most MMO’s like this end up with a mega server anyway.

Yeah, WoD is the greatest example of massive potential wasted. Like, you saw the earmarks of it being great from beta and early live materials.

Unlike BFA, which was kind of always planned to be the dreck it ended up being.

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Speaking of “They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot”:

I will swear, until my dying breath, that the Devourers would have made better expansion long antagonists instead of Zovaal.

Dude stop using that site horrible info based on reddit users lol. Its completely useless and misleading ignoring the very bases of statistic 101
If you actually want to know what is the most played game listed in that site its literally roblox, with financial reports showing 206 MILLIONS monthly active users last year, with 40 million people logging in every day, whereas the site shows 300k because reddit lol.

they are using the mmo pop site which bases its amount of users on reddit.
There are literal dead and closed games there showing player pop lol

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I will give you that there is a thrill to be had as you watch your place in the que go down and then trying to complete those first spanking new quests with the other twenty or so players.

But time is money. Or other things that can be done instead of watching a que number go down.

Isn’t it just mediaeval SWG? They’ve made quite a few statements that are just not realistic. I think the feature set at releases is going to turn a lot of people off.

It’s about hanging out with your buddies in discord and having a great time more than the launch issues.

i didnt quit for FF14, New World, Lost Ark or any MMO over the past 15 years, i have no interest in a MOBA turning into an MMO that will live like maybe a couple weeks, much like New World quickly going to crap.

hell yeah i am young i would love to try new things.

I have zero interest in LoL

yeah i will, bliz greed is so obvious its a turn off

Not sure… honestly don’t know much about it. Will look into it though.

If they do things well, create and interesting world and innovate in some way it could be a good thing whether I play it or not.

More actual ongoing competition, and not flash-in-the-pan products, is a huge positive for the MMO scene.

It doesn’t have the polish that this game does, just saying. The graphics in the background, little details within a building, and even what the character does when idle are all static, unlike this game. The closest to this game’s style was Wild Star, even though it was more Sci Fi, but they failed for a littany of reasons.

The people behind it are Blizzard people who got outted for Cubicle Crawl culture before Blizzard did.

I don’t measure the quality of a game on how the staff behaved in the past. I don’t know why you’re bringing this up or why this should be important when it comes to lore of the game. I absolutely couldn’t care less in this specific discussion whether Riot had their own scandals in the past.

I don’t even know what you mean with this statement.

I don’t expect a masterpiece in writing history. I just expect the story to don’t be so damn rushed and frequently retconned, with huge logic gaps and characters who all act like they’re missing half their brains. And I expect a little bit more then half-assed ingame lore that need expensive books to be complete.


Arcane was kind of cool. I think that the universe has a lot of potential.

They most certainly do measure a game to the corporate culture simply because they are of the woke mindset, just saying.