Will you "need" on gear you can't use, then sell it?

And this is why I’ve been advocating in all these threads for people to discuss loot rules before PUG runs. It won’t always stop the true ninjas, but it can discourage it and also prevent perceived ninja loots that result from miscommunication.


I have ran into so many groups needing on every boe epic rare after classic ended while leveling that I am probably not going to be greeding them any longer, but ill have to check with group before that. I plan on making groups so i’ll set it so everyone knows whether its ninjaing or not.

But I will say this I will never sail a twink item, i’ll give it to others who are twinks or make my own because I have seen idiots de such items before and some say they sold it to vendors.

As two others mentioned, the odds that at least one person in a group of 5 will roll need is pretty high (especially if it is a rare BoE). To prevent any hard feelings, make a statement to roll need on all rare BoE items. This way everyone will roll need (including those who would have rolled need even if you said nothing) and who ever wins, wins. If you don’t want to roll need, that is up to you though, you only give the other 4 a higher chance to win.


This guy doesn’t seem to understand how much the community outside his guild matters to everything you do in vanilla/classic, or has simply forgotten. Outside of leveling up, the game will not cater to single player styles. You can think your guild will be fine, but you are in for a rude awakening. If the others in your “elite” guild are as DB-ish as you, you won’t last 1 month.

But since i think this is all shenanigans - 8/10 troll points.


you’ll learn in due time. The community cannot demolish those above it


No. Why would I want to be a horrible person?


I need only on items I will equip right then and there.

Everything else is greed.


No, I will not “need” on gear I don’t need. Hopefully this is behavior that quickly gets shut down organically. IMO, its worse then ninja looting, if said ninja looter needs the item.

They’ll do it until they realize the only people that will PUG with them will do the same to them.


People keep touting community/reputation/blacklist/etc, but many guilds couldn’t care less what you do in 5mans with other players. When you’re in such a guild, there’s basically nothing anyone can do.
“He need rolled the lifesteal recipe”
“It goes for over 100g.”
“Then he’ll have no excuse for not having a flask tonight. Good to know.”

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:cat:‍:computer: This can be a problem and is why you need to lay down ground rules before a dungeon begins. One reason people do this is because there will be many ninjas, especially in the early and mid game who have accounts/characters they may have no intention of playing for very long and thus don’t care about their reputation. These people will “need” and go “lol whoops sorry!” or just simply leave group or stay quiet pretending they didn’t just ninja when everyone else was passing/greeding.

The best way to handle is this to just have everyone need, accept that BoEs in gold are equal to other comparable BoEs and although a particular item may be great for a class, other people can trade that item in on the AH that is equally great for their class. In other words gold isn’t Class specific and thats what BoE’s essentially are.


I’m going to wait to see who needs on Stockade Pauldrons if they drop, kick them and invite a random buddy to stop the instance boot, then equip and invite back. I’m a tank btw and if this was UBRS, I wouldn’t kick the other tank if they need it.

My preferred loot rule is for everyone to need on BOE blues; if they want to trade after they can for an agreed price


So, you’re going to ninja a world drop. Got it!

There’s a difference between an instance drop (that can be farmed for) and a BoE world drop (to me, the only exceptions for this are the BoE twinking items that are extremely rare instance drops, e.g. Assassin’s Blade).

it depends on two things.

  1. were the people in the run massive jerks especially the one who could use the item?

  2. was the item in question a very high value item gold wise? (100g+)

if yes to either of these then ya i will be rolling need on boes. if no i have no problem helping people that are worth being nice to.

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You ever heard the saying “when you point at someone, three fingers are pointing at yourself” by chance? This really applies here.

Honestly, I’m not pointing at anyone (everyone should roll Need on BoE world drops), but I just find it to be funny that another player would kick someone to steal the item.

You’ll be remembered, trust.

Even on the 10k servers people had reputations.