Will you "need" on gear you can't use, then sell it?

The thing is, when green boe’s drop everyone is going to roll greed, and people who habitually roll need on them to vendor/AH will be seen as a douche. However, if something like Edgemaster’s Handguards drop (worth more than an epic mount), everyone in the group will roll need on it so they can go after the gold, even if someone in the group really needs it. This recently happened to me on an “unofficial server”, Edgemaster’s dropped in Maraudon and I said right off the bat “I’m rolling need and will equip it right away”. Somebody else in the party said “ok everyone just roll need” and I lost it. After a certain amount of gold comes in to play, greed > need is seems. On that same server it was standard to roll greed on greens too, so it wasn’t as if some mentality was adopted that all boe’s are automatically needed on.

There’s a huge grey area with this though… at what value threshold is it appropriate to roll need on a boe item? It’s totally arbitrary. Do you roll need on a rare alchemy recipe if there is an alchemist in the group? There’s only 2 real solutions to this problem. Either the Classic community adopts a zul’gurub-mode style of just automatically needing on ALL boe’s, or Blizzard steps in and inserts a system whereby if you need on a boe it becomes soulbound. Anything other than these 2 options is pure hypocrisy IMO.

People need to remember this is classic. If you make a BAD NAME for yourself, you will suffer in classic wow.


No I wont … I have a little book I keep my passwords in (im old) Im going to use that same book to keep track of players that do that, and I will call them out in groups.

We are talking about boss drops right? Green drops from trash that no one can use in the group I’ll roll need on for alts or the AH. A Mage rolling need for a Bow off a boss is what Im talking about.

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I don’t think you understand how power and dominance works in this game. If “certain” streamer tried to blacklist us on our faction yet our guild is top progression on our faction it does absolutely nothing to us. If we wipe “specific” streamers guild every single time we meet and they try to blacklist us for it it has no effect on the stronger guild. Streamers are not pro gamers and their guild core are not top tier players either. All of their opposition will be wiped and there is nothing anyone can do about us. Sit back and wait to see it for yourself

Everyone can have their own blacklist, it depends on what list one chooses to subscribe to.

this is why people make black lists lol

No one is saying they’re going to do anything to your guild. However the reputation of your guild as ninjas, will mean pugs will usually reject you all from their dungeon group.

If guild members don’t join pugs, then your reputation will never be questioned. Yet if you do and items are needed carte blanche, then people will get to hear about it.


I’m not going to ninja anything. I’m simply going to need roll on all BoEs to prevent blindside ninja rolls just as everyone else should be doing. If the group rolls greed on a Krol Blade but the mage rolls need and wins it to sell, that’s Your own fault as it was 100% preventable. With server populations as red-line high as they’re looking, your cries in general chat about the guy will be lost

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Any BoE Blue/Purple that drops in a dungeon should be rolled on for people to do as they want, regardless of need by people in the party, it’s just like rolling for a chest. This is very normal and how I played all of Vanilla.

If people are needing on BoP loot and trying to sell it after, eventually they will get a bad reputation and people won’t group with them.

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“I’m going to steal the Declaration of Independence to keep someone from stealing the Declaration of Independence.”


Refer to poster above you for info

Let’s see how confident you are after the first month.


I don’t think you understand what myself and my guild are gonna be. My confidence eclipses your entire worldview of this game. Nice deflect though

I don’t believe your guild is going to be sh!t, if I’m being perfectly honest. The loudest voices are typically the biggest sh!tbirds.


No. You cannot get banned for ninja looting. Also, everyone rolls need on BoEs. Rolling on BoPs you can’t use to vendor for gold gets you a bad rep though.

I’ll let the news speak for myself. Get ready for the fireworks

!remind me when nothing happens

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I mean you could get blacklisted, and people won’t want to group with you as long as the server knows your name and what you did.

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With Discord, he’ll never escape his reputation.

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Yea i’m kinda 50/50 on the BoE blue/purples that drop. BoP though never roll need if its just going to the vendor.