Will you "need" on gear you can't use, then sell it?

If everyone agrees ahead of time, there are ZERO issues.

I’m talking about when someone goes against an agreement or no such agreement existed. (e.g. defaults)

I would absolutely be happy to tip my group if I won a BOE of value that i could absolutely use as a significant upgrade.


I want so bad for this to be the norm. This is an A+ idea and I’m definitely taking this mentality into my groups in Classic.

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You don’t have a fundamental right to BoE epics in a dungeon run (I don’t know why this thread is still going strong, but you went into that run with the expectation of looting items from the dungeon’s loot table… not random, world drops).

No matter how you wish to spin things to make it seem okay to need on every BOE, you’re wrong. Ninja looting is done by entitled scum.

Plain and simple really.

The game is based on group content. You help your group. Unless you’re selfish, then you ‘ninja need’ everything you can make a silver off of and get upset when people call you out for doing it.

I would bring up dungeon courtesy, but it’s 2019 and as mentioned in my original post we all know those things don’t matter to those being controlled by their selfish greed.


No, the entitled scum are the players that believe they have a fundamental right to WORLD DROPS and high-value, twinking items.

This is true. I don’t know when you startex but super old accounts got corrupted and didnt port correctly. Gm told me as such when i opened a ticket.

This so much this. Add on reserves and tanks charging fees. Theyre too lazy to roll an alt or run the dungeon again.

Most of that gear is BOP, so what’s the point?
People who roll need on greens find themselves without friends pretty quickly.

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Isn’t doing this considered a form of griefing (and ninja looting.)? I could definitely see people getting banned for this.

Needing on things you don’t need? It’s shady but not against the rules. It’s just a good way to build a bad reputation.


If everyone needs on BoE drops, no one can “ninja” it.

Don’t let the ninjas win.

We will be ahead of the rest of the server in levels. I was just stating what I would be doing should I ever join a pug group. Though I won’t need to at all. The rule does not apply to me as I will not need the community, even though you think I do

0/10 I don’t play. My main is still retired in WoD though this was a nice try. This toon is the last remaining toon that has actual vanillas original items equipped. Hence this is my classic wow forum toon

Well of course. I’m just stating what I would do if I was in a pug, and what others are going to do regardless of what the community thinks about them. Server pops are too big for any sort of reputation sink

Well I’m only going to roll greed on gear I can’t can use rare BOE or not.
I guess I will lose out on a lot of gear I can use to selfish people but once we weed them out it will get better
(Play the long game)


Using the tools provided… however you want, is fair. Might be a butt, but fair!

When everyone is a ninja, no one is.

you do that bro see how fast the server blacklists you…you gotta remember classic wont have cross realm so you wont be able to remain unknown…if you do this people will find out and you will be blacklisted.


does not matter how large servers are you will be called out in in world chat.people will find out no matter how clever you might think you are.