Will you "need" on gear you can't use, then sell it?

We already have one, a good one. And everyone is watching anxiously for our complete steamroll. If you don’t know by now then you are simply irrelevant. No offense ofc

Your retail reputation won’t mean sh!t in Classic. It’ll disintegrate before your very eyes.


Where did I say that?

Did I misunderstand something here?

it is obvious to me you Have no idea who is going to actually be a powerhouse in classic and who isn’t. 90% of the streamers guilds won’t even be good. And if you are not in the know of who’s guilds are actually going to be the big dogs then you are irrelevant to us, haven’t done any research and are not hyper organized and extremely coordinated and ready for this release

You’re clearly having a stroke. Give me your address so I can call an ambulance for you.


Nice dodge. See you on the field

Ironically that is exactly what you just did. The only thing you’ll be seeing is the spirit healer. Is that going to be the GM of your guild?

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You’re awfully cringe and angry. There will be plenty more to follow

!remind me when Dorcmandoir is relevant

Sure (10char)

Okay, so the take-away for me after reading this entire thread is, that as a Dungeon leader in Classic, I should:

  1. Require everyone in a Dungeon group to use Discord.
  2. Switch to ML on all bosses and require party members to /roll.
  3. Allow all party members to roll Need on non-boss, BOE gear even when it means a BiS item gets taken by someone who doesn’t actually “need” it.
  4. Conversely, I can maintain the ML setting and set the loot threshold to “rare” and require everyone to /roll on items at, or above that threshold.
  5. Hold Dungeon Leaders and party members accountable for any shenanigans by blacklisting them if they allow or participate in ninja looting.
  6. Utilize some form of video capturing software to record dungeon runs to have as later proof in the case of disputes. Which is very common and easy to do as compared to 15 years ago.
  7. Consider how much effort I’m willing to put into all of this just so I can enjoy the game and its social aspects.


Seriously though, Reputation will matter once again in Classic, which means people will need to think about their actions and the associated effects of those actions on others. It’s the reason a majority of players are already establishing friends lists of people they already know, who won’t do a lot of things that people in this thread are saying they will do.

Things I do know:

  1. Blacklists are a good thing.
  2. /Ignore is like a warm fuzzy blanket…especially in /trade chat.
  3. Good people doing good things is what makes the WoW world go round and flourish.
  4. The social experience of Vanilla was the single biggest factor for me in enjoying this game back then. It was a pleasure to see Ninja-Looter’s being black listed back in the day. It provided a way for servers to police themselves and promoted good behavior as the norm. I’ve witnessed entire Guilds reputations being decimated by the activities of just one player.
  5. Just because - Karma.
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