Will you "need" on gear you can't use, then sell it?

hence the global needing!

The question about 5mans needing on BOEs in order to auction them is honestly a grey area. Recently on an, err “unofficial” server I ran Maraudon with a group of 5. Edgemaster’s Handguards dropped, and being a Fury Warrior and the only person in the group that the item was appropriate for, I immediately said “I’m needing on these and will equip immediately”.

Someone else in the party said “ok, everyone need”. Everyone else needed, and I lost. I didn’t complain, as on that server they are worth like 3-5k gold, but I was honestly crushed. I would have equipped them immediately and they would have been something I probably would never replace, and I lost it because greed > need after a certain gold value comes in to play. Thoughts?

Blizz already stated that loot trading will only be in dungeons. A Blue post already addressed this issue.

This is why communication with your party is key.
Before you enter the dungeon there needs to be a meeting of the minds on loot rules, particularly for rare or epic BoE gear.

I have no problem with everyone needing on that item, ‘provided’ it was pre-stated as allowed by party leader. If someone disagrees with the terms laid out, then they should either negotiate before entry to the dungeon or leave the party.

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So why do you get 3-5k gold for free just cause you happen to be on a character that can ise that particular BoE?

It was BiS before you ran the dungeon and it will be after. So if you want that item you can farm up the gold and go buy it…

3-5k gold saved == 3-5k gold earned from selling.

1 gold is simply 100 copper. The one with the selfish mentality is you and community will eat you alive. Guaranteed.

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They can’t earn 3k gold when they’re equipping it and soulbinding it on the spot.

It’s classic wow- rolling need on everything is part of the game.

That’s like asking if we’ll be passing on raid gear that’s a slight upgrade simply because we want to save our DKP up to get the big one, leaving raid dps far behind as dozens of items that would improve dps get DE’d instead. Of course we will- that’s what the game’s about.

Or if asking if raid leaders will funnel gear to their favourite one or two players of each class for months, before dumping the losers that got them all that gear to join a better guild, leaving everyone months behind despite spending hundreds of hours raiding and prepping. Of course we will- that’s how classic wow is played.

Yeah, I’m excited too to return to a time when the game was all about f’ing over everyone else, it’ll be glorious.

Yea, I am not sure how layering will affect your server reps… but in the original vanilla, I saw a top guild fall apart because they had 2-3 ninjas they refused to gkick. I had a coveted friends list and as a healer, only grouped with people I knew. If you wanted a healer or tank for your pug, good luck if you were a known ninja on my server.

That being said, I am bummed about the layering if it causes your rep not to matter. Kinda defeats the whole purpose of classic. Those of us that miss the social aspect will be disappointed if it’s not protected.

I agree with the general idea that you only need on BOP items that are an upgrade. BOE needing was debatable, but I am generally ok with it unless someone says ahead of time they need an item. I would always clarify the loot rules before we started.


Says the guy afraid to post this nonsense on his main. Or, your highest toon is a 52? LOL ok man, whatever you say.

So, let’s say I’m on my priest and healing a dungeon when a high value rare BoE melee weapon drops. No one was expecting it to drop, no one was particularly farming for it or had it reserved.

Melee dps can equip it and it is an upgrade.

I can sell it and use that gold to buy Cassandra’s Grace, which is a pre-raid BiS BoE for my priest. Also a huge upgrade.

Why is that melee dps more entitled to roll on that drop than me or anyone else in the group? Especially if the loot rule of “everyone needs on blue/purple BoEs” was agreed upon.

That drop has enormous value for anyone in the group, and I prefer loot rules that stipulate everyone needs on those types of items, because I acknowledge the value it brings whoever wins it. The fact one person in the group rolled a class that can equip it doesn’t invalidate the value it has for the others in the group.

BoPs are different. You can’t farm gold and buy them off the AH. You can only get them by winning a roll when they drop. BoE, especially twink items…horse of a different color.

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So run dungeons with your guild then.

Those are Ninjas and should be ostracized. I personally hate that, if it’s a money opportunity it should be greed, that way if someone who needs it can need, and if that person is a decent person and just saved a few hundred gold from not having to buy their BIS, they SHOULD tip people, but that’s just on them I guess. It’s always wait to see what the PUG does before you roll though to counteract the ninja, like if a BOE epic drops and someone who can’t use it needs it, that’s fair game for you to Need, but you should be vocal that you’re Needing because of the Ninja.

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Definitely a great idea though! Based on this thread, there are multiple conflicting “norms”, thus there isn’t any. I guess it’s worth the effort to discuss when joining groups with strangers.

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If someone gives you an item worth 3k they still gave you 3k…

They just saved 3k from having to no longer go buy there BiS.

Saving == Earning

In a perfect world the person who won the drop would tip the rest of the group so everyone wins. Let’s say some fair amount like if the item is worth about 100g then you give everyone in a 5 man group 20g.

However, it’s tough to enforce that and tough to estimate the worth of an item. But if I win something big I’ll definitely try to tip the rest of the group something if they also didn’t get a decent drop in a run.

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This thread, as well as the other one, proves the different mindset with players when vanilla was in full swing as opposed to now.

Retail WOW, and just generational differences, has made players a bit entitled. It’s not about the group, it’s about themselves. These “need on everything” types will also be antisocial in group content (PUGS) and try to play the game like they do retail. (Huge wake up call coming for them.)

Thinking ninja looting is okay because you need gold; regardless if it gives someone an upgrade, even though it’s dungeon loot…Selfish entitlement.
‘But mah gold.’
Sit down.

Just ML every time, ML so much it doesn’t even need to be stated, so players just know it’ll happen. Make it commonplace. Don’t give these ninjas the satisfaction of being selfish douchebags.

The mindset these players leads me to think blacklists and Illidan server drama, though on every server, will happen within the first few days of launch.


No. I am not an A hole.


I do agree, video gamers grow more entitled over the years. Yes, there were ninjas back in vanilla. No, they were not so common that you’d even see one every day but they did happen.

Now, with people who joined later in WoW’s life when personal loot came about will eventually learn that clicking on the dice instead of the coins gets them more stuff, we may see more loot ninjas. This is one reason I really REALLY hope sharding goes away and they just balance the number of servers so that ninjas get known and denied groups.

Now, I guarantee that some ninja(s) will end up posting later on the forums about how what they’re doing is NOT against any rules. I cannot wait to mop the floor with those folks.


Umm, what? Have you never used a dkp system? Nobody is going to be DE’ing epics that are a dps upgrade just because people want to save dkp for higher ticket items. You would simply spend the minimum bid dkp (usually 5)… I have never seen what you suggested happen, ever.