Will you "need" on gear you can't use, then sell it?

“Everybody roll need on BoEs” was the norm back in vanilla. This isn’t a new retail meta.

We all learned back in vanilla that expecting people to greed a BoE that could buy them their mount was naive and stupid. Thus, “all roll need to have an equal chance”. This is BoE’s specifically, not BoP. Those go back to the need before greed ruleset. Before that, when it was just need or pass, etiquette was for everybody to pass and then /roll for “need” but this is not relevant to 1.12.

Where as I see a bunch of lazy people who couldn’t be bothered to farm the gold for the BoEs they need and think cause they got lucky they can screw over the rest of the group and steal that gold, and whine and shame those who don’t agree.

If you do not have a BoE it is because you did not feel that the gold was worth the item or you have yet to be able to farm that gold. You do not get free gold when a BoE drops because you did not farm that gold earlier.

That may have been your experience, but it was not everyone’s experience.

There were many servers on which that kind of behavior would result in the player becoming a social pariah.

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I have zero issue with you suggesting it at the onset of a dungeon. At which point, I will always object and we’ll see who wins, I guess.

Interesting. There are some server-to-server “cultural” differences. Maybe this is one of them.

Yet another example of why we should be in the habit of discussing loot rules before we get our feelings hurt lol

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Johnny can use all the mental gymnastics you want on order to try to justify his selfishness, but that selfishness still remains.

Johnny will have only himself to blame if he finds himself in the position of being a social pariah.

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Johnny is the only one submitting a claim based on a practical need for the item. Everyone else is reducing his need to copper.

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I do wonder about PUG raids. Some people have been through it, so it’s not completely fresh content.

I don’t see many 40 man PUGs. Too many Leeroy people out there.

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Johnny is just trying to get his DPS up so that he can level or progress better. You want 60g which you can make in literally 500 other ways. And currency, itself, is a drop in most loot tables for most mobs.

Who is the selfish one, seriously?

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you must be new. Lol

People who hold loot hostage like that when other people need the gear will likely get a lot of /ignores, which means eventually those people will have a very hard time finding groups. In vanilla, reputation matters. If you 're known as a fair-minded player, then you’ll be fine. But a ninja? Not so much.


I think maybe we have a misunderstanding. I should have been clearer.

I was not saying that Johnny was “being greedy”. I was saying that those who reduce their need to copper are being greedy and should be rolling GREED, IMO.

I absolutely believe that anyone planning to sell that BOE item should be rolling greed and not need.

If someone chooses to roll NEED, they should be equipping that item if they win, IMO.


Not one person, not one, literally no one is talking about copper.

If anything you’re downplaying the actual practicality of 100g and reducing that into copper to fit your argument.


Assassin’s Blade drops in SFK. Explain to me how at level 22 I’m going to make 60g as quickly as I just did? Now give me the other 499 ways.

There are NONE!

You know what will literally help improve Johnnys DPS in that same dungeon?

Meteor Shard
Butchers Slicer
Barons Scepter

Now who’s being selfish?

Now tell me you already have those and its still a minimal upgrade and still denying the other people of the gold isn’t being greedy?

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This is a genuine question.

Do you really not see gold as a necessity?

If you wouldn’t mind reading my post right above this one too.

How would you classify me and Johnny then?

I’d also like to point out again that what I’m saying and where I stand on the matter pertains to high value BoEs and essentially just twink items.

Like yes I will roll against you for Assassin’s Blade but like if a pair of green BoE bracers drop I’m not going to roll against who ever needs them so I can sell them for 30 silver.

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And Johnny can go do one of those 500 other ways… which he has chosen not to do, and then walk over to the AH and buy that item.

Why does he get free gold and everyone else get screwed?
That other player could take that BoE and go into trade chat and sell the item for 60g then buy another BoE he can use for 60g? Player 2 just needed that item to improve his DPS.

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The problem is Johny is doing the same thing… he has reduced the item to copper because he has refused to buy it and now he is trying to steal the item so he no longer has to farm the gold to buy it.

A copper saved is a copper earned.

Why does Johnny getting to save 60g have priority over the other 4 players making 60g?

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No, only an complete jerk would do that

Sell it? Pfffft! I will DE it right then and there in front of em :wink: Hey, I need my DE mats, that profession is murder leveling it up!

Yes on BoEs of course but also out of spite. The filler in my groups is getting upgrades sharded if their contribution is worth less than the shard.

It’s not for the money though the real purpose is to laugh at people. Bonus points if they’re haughty enough to think blacklisting someone from their inept clique effects anything. It doesn’t and never did, pure solipsism by those who profess its efficacy "heh this loser ninja kid won’t be grouping with ANY of us from now on. " :smirk:

The majority of competent players have no reason to care that you took loot from fungible filler. If you want to grind up your blacklist you have to do more than roll need.

The replies in this thread that are militant against common sense indicates that classic is going to be real fun.