Will you "need" on gear you can't use, then sell it?

No, in actuality, it isn’t (it’s called being intelligent). Also, the Classic community needs to push pompous, entitled you know whats (such as yourself) out before it attempts to push people out for advocating the truth, i.e. you don’t have a right to a world drop, and good luck with making someone equip the item.

P.S. If a 500g item drops then everyone should roll Need.



funny but somehow i think Thundathys is for auto squelch too i have a feeling.

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I don’t think you know what the word means. Nothing in my post’s have been aimed acquiring anything for myself. Your’s on the otherhand is ALL about the allmighty me.

NOthing I’ve said has been about me, it’s been about the group not a players wants.
Everyone has put in the effort, everyone deserves a fair shot at said shiny object.
Also everyone in a group is replaceable. Enjoy your 500g and a shot reputation, we will replace you,blacklist you and trash your name till you re-roll.

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your sentiment was stating something as a fact from your own point of view leading garilas to post what he posted . its literally your own words that hes replying to.

Nice BoE? Probably.
I highly doubt I would roll above a greed on things I don’t need outside of the 500g BoE category.
I gotta pay for my many shadow respects and necessities somehow man it be like that.

Yes I will.

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That is quite likely why they found themselves in such groups up till personal loot became a thing. They probably never noticed that they were shunned by the people who frown on ninjaing.


Um, dude, you’re the one on the side of entitlement.

That’s a good way to be blacklisted by the server. Not a sustainable way to farm gold at all.

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I will be rolling warrior so technically i can use everything so needing on all BoEs

I mean if they do this - you can’t escape your reputation in classic so … lmao they wont get invited. The community kind of regulates itself; if someone ninjas then its gonna be known and it’ll end up on the forums, youtube, or minimally trade.

This mindset might work in like retail where you pretty much will never see the same name twice in dungeon queuing. That is - even if you can trade loot; I’m not sure if that wasn’t limited to raids or something.

Again, i already have a highly established guild with a hard set raid roster that never changes. So your point does not apply to me

If you think this garbage won’t happen, you are sadly mistaken. With all the new age of trolls these days, Classic is going to be rough until they leave after a week of not getting free epics. We just need to weather the storm until then.


I agree, but lets give them the benefit of the doubt just a little. Maybe they’ll leave after two weeks when they’re not max level already, and decked out in at least 3-4 epics. (and not to mentioned can’t fly)

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AKA The Rules

Actually “THE rules” of the game include people being able to roll need on BOP items that they cannot equip or use.

If Johnny is declaring that only those for whom a BOP item is an upgrade can roll, then he i s setting his own custom rules.

Note: I am not advocating rolling need on BOP items you cannot use. I am only noting that the “rules” of the game permit you to do so, just as they permit rolling need on BOE’s.

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Fair or not. This is classic. Virtually everyone will need. That’s the way vanilla worked

Maybe that was the norm on the server on which you played.

That was not my experience. On every server on which I played, the norm was roll greed if you intend to sell. Those who chose to roll need either equipped the item then and there or were “called out” for being a ninja.

On those servers, being called a ninja often (one could even say usually) led to being gkicked because the guild didn’t want to be guilty by association. Not even progression guild main tanks were safe.

Will it be that way in Classic? I do not know.

Retail has certainly become flooded with players that care only for themselves.

Personally, I’m hoping that the players returning for Classic are more community oriented and have the numbers to squash the “me, me, me” mindset.


Probably not going to happen. Gamers, as a whole, have evolved over the years. It’s going to be pretty hard to unprogram that kind of mentality. Plus, society as a whole has become extremely narcissistic lately.

Vanilla was not very compatible with the “me, me, me” mindset.

It remains to be seen whether that will carry to Classic.

It may be that many retailers will find Classic too inconvenient and not hang around. It may also be that many if those players returning for Classic will not accept that “me, me, me” mindset.

We’ll just have to wait and see how it ultimately shakes out.