Will we ever get a dev reason for the change of heart on RDF?

Pretty simple answer. They turned classic into full blown retail, at which point there was no reason to hold back rdf.

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Her post is so bizarre. That’s
how you said it works.

I think anti-rdf posters just get very confused and don’t know what they (or anyone else) are saying.

Also, see how effective that is with deserter debuff.


It goes to show you that what they say means less than dirt. They’re making it all up as they go along. There never was a planned timeline for these games other than the content in them. A rehost of an old MMO should not be getting new features down the road as if it’s a new MMO. All these things they’re doing could have, and should have, been in at the start.


Am I supposed to somehow comprehend this? Your sentence makes literally 0 sense, so I explained to you how it actually does work.

What blizzard is doing, is authenticity. RDF didn’t come until the very tail end of wrath with the ICC patch. The classic community got what it wanted when it mattered the most, the vast majority of classic including majority of wrath didn’t have your garbage cross realm auto grouping systems, and now are waiting for the next fresh vanilla (one can dream classic+) announcement this year.

laughs in random bg queue


Cross-realm bgs were highly controversial pre-classic release and when they originally came out at the tail end of vanilla.

It was certainly a very unpopular decision to release them off the bat in classic. It’s impossible to go back now due to blizzards utter incompetence at managing server population and faction balance, but certainly it was a massive mistake to give x-realm bgs before that mess happened.

Ok but that has literally nothing to do with your claim that they’re doing it for “authenticity” and that the “vast majority” of Classic didn’t have cross realm auto grouping systems


I am not claiming blizzard is doing it for authenticity, I am saying that releasing it in ICC is authenticity, weather that was intentional or not.

Most of the classic community is done after killing the lich king and will be waiting for the next fresh vanilla, we thankfully did not have RDF around for most of the expansion for it to get ruined all around.

Still has nothing to do with your claim that the “vast majority” of Classic didn’t have cross realm auto group systems


The vast majority of classic and vast majority of wrath, indeed, does not have cross realm auto grouping for dungeons which was the topic of this thread.

No, you said systems, not dungeons


Actually just about a solid half of Wrath did have RDF and the problems it addresses obviously existed before that.


My question would be Even if blizzard did Would it even matter and Would people even believe it The reality is whatever answer they give.

No one’s going to believe it They say they realized the players want it Oh they’re just making it up To get people back in the game Just for 1 Example.

And honestly Does it matter at this point ? But if you want my Best guess well They realized wrath Isn’t classic.

And with all the other changes they’ve made And they’re probably going to be doing changes to cata rdf Make sense for the newer versions of the game.

And honestly no rdf Has been more damaging to wrath Then helped it Because let’s be honest Social aspect in dungeons ? Ummmm inv,gs,need,gereed,skip x boss or run ? O ya You’re making a lot of friends and dungeons Cough cough.

You can’t look at wrath With a classic design it doesn’t work From the class balance To the itemization wrath is a Different game Plain and simple.

And they realized that Or option 2 They just haven’t been able to code it correctly I mean if they haven’t been able to implement the quest helper You can take a wild guess rdf Has been a challenge for them.

At least those are my Guesses Will we ever know the reason though Probably not And even if Blizzard did tell us The player based probably wouldn’t believe them.

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Copium and maldium

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RDF has nothing to do with ICC. It was released with the same patch as ICC because that’s when it was ready to be released. There are no patches in classic; Wrath launched on the last patch. The only thing being released using a time line is content.

The authenticity boat sailed as soon as classic launched and an authentic time line is irrelevant.


The issue is they changed the definition of Classic. It was to be an accurate representation of the game as it was, then that changed to something different that I cant quite figure out the definition for. Its not an accurate recreation and its also not trying to make further expansions more like vanilla because they added actual retail nonsense to the game. Titan Rune dungeons are mythic + lite dungeons. If they were trying to keep “the spirit of classic” which is a bunch of nonsense this difficulty of dungeon would have never existed since they didnt exist anywhere in classic.

I would say its Blizzard being incompetent and just making up excuses. The new PTR is out or coming out and no RDF. It will probably be released for Titan Rune Gamma testing
 but its not looking promising at the moment. It better be at least for leveling all the way through heroics at least, and they should take out the bag of emblems from titan rune difficulty. Thats why everyone is doing them.


I mean my response to you would be I think blizzard is trying to adjust to what players are doing now I mean let’s be honest here None of the versions of Classic have played out anything like the original counterparts did.

Not classic not tbc And certainly not wrath As far as the dungeons go That’s been a bit positive it’s kept them relevant I mean let’s see they didn’t do that right.

Dungeons would be even more dead than they are now I mean sure Ulduar Would probably be easier But gdkps What definitely still exist And honestly the token Has been a positive If anything.

Is an accurate representation of What the game used to be That has to be a cooperation between both parties Meaning the players have to want it And have some self control.

And blizzard has to support it I mean we got Almost If no changes to vanilla and honestly, I think it hurt the game more than anything else.

Remember phase too Classic pvp system It’s garbage I say this at someone that got two Rank 12 And it was not a fun experience It was misery incarnate.

Tbc ssc and tk unnerved Caused a lot of people to burn out and leave And honestly I would even say Ulduar Buft may have been a bad idea too Because I don’t think it’s a coincidence Hardcore If got popular the same time as that raid released.

I mean If blizzards at fault for making changes If and people wanted an accurate representation of what the game was Then the players are just as much to blame Because let’s be honest We don’t play the game the way we did in 2004 or 2008 Simply because the game is solved So yeah.

Ah yes, this post below really shows how blizzard says that the dungeon finder would be added in 3.4.3:


The reason is pretty simple unless you’ve been absent from the forums you already know the answer: people have been absolutely blubbering over the lack of rdf nonstop for a solid year at this point.

I for one am excited to see the reaction when the blubbering starts anew when they figure out that RDF isn’t the panacea they thought it would be.