Will there be more M+ leaver bans?

Ok. But that isnt happening. Or was ever happening.

With Unlimited death count and players like the OP threating to get you suspended, Yes.

No, it isnt.

You can leave bad groups today and be 100% fine.

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Blasco the OP is literally asking blizzard to suspend players for leaving his dungeon party. He didnt say anything about his group being bad.

People realize that punishment is for chain leavers, right

Like people who are so mad they join keys just to leave and ruin them

If I pop into a key and the group wipes several times to the first pack I can safely dip and nothing will ever happen to me :dracthyr_yay_animated:

He can ask all he wants. It’s not going to happen. Blizzard isn’t going to damage one of their most popular activities in the game because Blasco’s groups don’t always win.


Yes and that changed nothing about my statement.

I can ask for Karen Gillan to hit me up on the down low. Doesnt mean it has a chance of happening.

Is it that bad? I got my KSM yesterday after being around 800 io to start the week. I timed everything I ran and there was no toxicity at all.

Admittedly I only ran 6s and 7s. Is it an issue at low level and high level keys?

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So what, he makes the same terrible arguments every time he recreates these threads, and gets shot down.

If anything, the lesson here is to automatically report Blasco if you ever wind up in one of his keys. After all, “”“one report is harmless”“” right?

Its not.

The amount of toxicity is completely over blown. Not saying it doesnt exist. Only overblown.

Between quantity and what people define as being “toxic”.


You mean ban wave that already happened and didn’t affect you? Are you worried that your leaving habits would put you in the radar if another ban wave happened?

What else do we have to do around here? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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This is a really easy week, most of my groups have been fine or able to win even with somebody not performing well. Last week there were plenty of groups that fell apart that I was in. I don’t think is super common to run into a key leaver but they do exist. It’s usually not that bad.

There shouldn’t be any penalty.

It’s “overblown” because the people blowing it out of reality don’t realize people are leaving because the person complaining is torpedoing the group.

actually, If I were in your group, I would just go offline. You can’t get me suspended for losing internet connection.

I think you are sorta missing the point.

The amount of leaving, disconnects, etc. Its all trackable to anyone looking. It takes an insane amount of leaving for it to matter. Disconnects wouldnt save someone participating in this sorta behavior, but it takes an insane degree of it to be flagged.

But because they already show they are tracking it, it doesnt need an additional report feature.

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Sure so long as you’re not doing it frequently to other people, that’s fine.

It’s not traceable due to the fact I never left the group I only went offline due to “Horrible weather conditions”.

You think Blizzard is not able to know when a person goes offline?

Once again. This only matters if you do it a crazy amount of times.