Will there be more M+ leaver bans?

Nah I don’t believe blizzard can see how many times a person went offline during a key and then they will have to investigate if they went offline for legitimate reasons.

You dont think Blizzard has the ability to see when someone goes off line?

Reason is irrelevant.

Quantity is the issue.

It registers server and client side disconnects.

They know if you unplug verses a network issue because you are connected to their servers

I left plenty of keys since that and wasnt banned. Its not griefing after all.

Well, I’ll just go AFK and blame it on a bad connection.

Or just…leave the group.

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What. No. There is zero functional difference between me pulling the cable vs Comcast doing it for me. Traffic stops. That’s all they know.

Alt-F4ing out, sure that is different because it’ll try to shutdown gracefully if the app is still responding.

Sorry, but that IS part of M+ This is what people signed up for.

If you want out then just leave the group.

Unless you do this constantly I think you’ll be fine.


It is not.

Fortunately Blizzard agrees that it is not.

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Why? You know the easiest way to avoid people leaving, or being kicked from a group for that matter?

Join a guild or community doing the content you enjoy. Use the social aspect of this MMO, make friends, never have these problems again.

Its more important to do nothing and then complain that WoW is no longer social.


LoL, that’s awesome.

Here’s one for ya. Last night 4 friends and I pugged a normal raid. We destroyed the trash, first boss, and trash to the second. No wipe, no deaths, no reason to kick one of the 5 of us, but they did. So the other 4 of us, who were all in the top 5 DPS, left the group. We joined another fresh group and finished the raid.

So who was “wrong”? The kickers? Or us leaving because they kicked our friend? Or does it not matter at all because we finished our objective, yea that’s the one.

Where u got that from?

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That’s exactly what I do.

As I explained two posts up, it happens, it’s a gamble every time you pug. The way it affects you is all you can control.

But we really don’t need a “parental presence” in the game slapping us on the wrist just because a group didn’t work out, whatever the reason.

Unless a completion key that’s actually not true at all.

yup,so… His team can wipe all day instead of taking good players as a hostage.

You should advocate for fixing problems even if they don’t affect you.

Leaving failed keys that are not listed as completion keys is not a problem. So why would anyone advocate for fixing it?

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