Will there be a Beta?

I like you.

Wouldn’t the “vanilla” experience be having no addons and having them come out as the game progresses?


I think they’re still working on getting everything implemented. Also, with how news seems to be coming out weekly now, I think they’re gearing up for a release date reveal.

Now watch as next week rolls around and we get NO news, thus proving my theory completely wrong.

I hope you’re right. Hopefully more frequent news does mean they’ll be giving the release date sooner rather than later.

We haven’t gotten any news this week so hopefully we get some today. There are many questions that still need to be answered, including if and when the Beta will be.

I think if we have one it will be more of a stress test diablo kind of thing. Just to make sure things are ready to go. Just a guess.

I expect a beta in late August.

Still waiting on an announcement confirming a Beta (or not).

Will the Beta be announced tomorrow? That seems to be what everyone is hoping for.

Beta will be announced after the Alpha has been released to a very select few.

We haven’t gotten any Blue Posts this week. Still no sign of a Beta, I think it is very possible they won’t have one.

Ion gave an interview to a German magazine very recently, and the interviewer asked him directly about this. He did not answer as directly.

buffed: When can we expect the Classic servers or the test servers for Classic?
Ion Hazzikostas: As mentioned earlier, Classic will be released this summer. So we’ll be able to say more about the release date and other classic themes soon. As the Classic community has already noticed, we are working on communicating with the Classic community, providing more and more information to Classic fans, answering questions in the forums, adding Classic info to our Q & As and much more.

The team continues to work on the development of the classic servers or the restoration of the technology of that time and is full of anticipation to share the results soon with the community.

Thanks for posting this. This sounds to me like there is likely to be a beta.

I certainly hope so. I know there will be bugs and discrepancies between vanilla and classic that will arise. I’d rather those be found and fixed prior to the official release.

Link to the entire interview, for anyone curious (although what I quoted is all there is about Classic):

It’s time for The Question once again… Beta? Yes/No? When?

For me the question isn’t “will there be a beta”, rather “what will it be testing”?

With the huge scope of the game it’s impossible for a beta, open or closed, to cover everything. Will it focus on end-game dungeons and PvP, even though it’s not likely to be experienced for at least a month? Will it be more about questing, and if so will certain areas need more testing than others? I’m sure that the lowby zones will be perfectly testable by the alpha folks (might have been a hidden purpose of the demo), but Azshara? Un’Goro? Blackrock Mountain? It’s a mistake to ignore later quest zones entirely, as my first month of ESO proved to me and the unfortunate person who had to read my… uh, “passionate” bug reports.

In any case, I’m also feeling a bit antsy about Classic. I’ve waited this long for it because I didn’t want Private Server Vanilla, I wanted Blizzard Vanilla. I’ve waited this long and can wait some more, but just something about the impending reality of the project makes me want it to hurry up and get here so I can stop changing my mind five times a day about what I’ll roll.

That said, if you’re reading this Blizz, take yer time. I can wait. I mean, I can’t wait, but I can. Me stop ramble now.

Beta … hmmm…
I think Blizzard should consider SELLING the Beta for say $100.
This would be an interesting gauge of real interest.
They could use the money to throw a party for the developers (not the managers).

Considering that we already had a demo, I’m going to go with my gut and say there probably won’t be a beta.

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Yes, there are plenty of things that should be tested. They probably know if they are going to have one or not, they just need to confirm it. I can understand them not wanting to do a Beta server just so it won’t spoil the game for any tourists who will probably quit anyway.