Will there be a Beta?

As far as I know there is some testing on weekends online for blizz employees and family.

pulling info from you a$$

Only weekends? That’s weird.

It needs authentic server crashing too then

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Still no word on a Beta server, yet they’ve already decided to use the gimped version of AV even though it won’t be out until (probably) Phase 3. Does anyone else find this extremely obnoxious? These very core things aren’t even being tested publicly, the developers are just assuming the ideal versions. Maybe they would have a better idea what people actually want if they would allow players to actually test them. Beta server when?

Pretty sure devs aren’t doing ideal versions, they’re doing lazy versions. The only changes they’re doing are to prolong classic’s lifespan and graphics, possibly QoL to make it more appealing for live subbers.

The real reason is they hope that classic + garrison dailies is enough to keep people logging into modern WoW during content droughts. Their jobs as WoW devs rely on people logging into modern WoW and paying to play it. The WoW management that likes their jobs developing modern WoW are only making classic so people continue to play modern WoW which is why there’s only a single combined sub. There’s no work to be had being a developer for a static and finished game.

I haven’t had a retail sub since 2016, and I have a feeling a lot of people are in the same boat or even longer than that. I don’t plan on buying BfA at all. It’s not a very smart move if they neglect something that will give them subs that they 100% would not have had otherwise. I really can’t understand why they are giving the bare minimum of information to us. Like, how long ago did they decide to go with the 1.12 AV and why? They need to communicate with us more if they intend to keep as many people as possible interested.

Beta will be released a couple months before final release.

How do you know? There’s zero proof to suggest that. That is why we need confirmation that there WILL be one, even if we don’t get a date.

If it were a cash grab, they’d charge an extra $5 for access to classic for a live sub just like the extra $5 for tokens. They get it for free on the margin, so it’s clearly something other than just revenue. The thing is the dev team doesn’t get paid for making ActiBlizz money, they get paid as long as employing them makes ActiBlizz money. Doing a great job on classic is just going to make them lose their jobs as there’s no need for a dev team. They’re hoping classic boosts DAU count for their board meeting power point presentations for live because even if a live player plays classic during content droughts, they’ll log in for dailies, which counts towards DAUs.

You say it’s “clearly something other than just revenue” and then contradict it with the rest of your post. I don’t care about that though (at least in this thread), I just want some information on if/when there will be a Beta.

I’m not contradicting it. Justifying your job to management is different than just revenue. The difference is to keep your job, you have to prove you will keep bringing in revenue as long as they pay you. You don’t get to keep your job if yo do the work then they get the revenue without employing you.

So what you’re saying is, it’s about dev revenue and they’re just trying to keep their jobs. I’m not sure what you’re trying to prove or what point you want to make.

The point is that classic isn’t meant to be good. It’s meant to make the game that actually keeps the dev team employed in the long term look better.

Okay, and that’s why I said it’s their “ideal” version, because it’s not what is most fun or what most people want, it’s what they think is the best. But obviously they DON’T know best, it’s why so many people want Classic. If they knew best, they would have more than 4 million subs, which is 25% the amount they had in Wrath of the Lich King. Maybe getting actual numbers of the people who want to play and enjoy Classic could improve their numbers for retail WoW by making changes that may attract people to come back. I don’t know about that, all I know is that they need to communicate more about Classic before people begin to lose interest. Why even bring up anything about a Summer release when they’re barely talking about anything with it? The AV news has just pissed most people off.

Or it’s just that it’s a 15 year old game following the same trend as every single MMORPG that’s ever been created, and ever will be created. The flow of new people is finite, and not everyone wants to play the same game forever.

That’s correct, however retail WoW has evolved into something people dislike and it is actually NOT the same game as it was 15 years ago. That is why there are so many people advocating for Classic, myself included.

The beta was more for you to get the feel of class mechanics, the values regen, and other things, they already inadvertently stated they’d be there beause they never finished the values.
Example would be troll racial regen being way stronger then it was in orginal Vanilla wow, almost being so strong that while in combat it was like a small heal. Another one was the amount of regen out of combat making you regen basically everything without needing food/water.

Not having a beta has many issues. One being issues of updating the client interaction with PC’s (tech). Another would be wrong values due to 1.12 being placed on 7.3.5 client (as seen on demo). Last issue is quests not working right; while a good chunk will be ignored, a good amount wont.

Um… if you read Blizzard’s update a few weeks ago, the only “bug” in the beta was the borked regeneration which was apparently due to them missing that bit when they mounted it on the demo servers for us to play. Pretty much everything else worked as intended.

I can believe that, they just need to be more transparent with their release date if that is the case. Letting us know if there will even be a Beta would be nice too. People won’t like going in fresh without their addons.