Will there be a Beta?

That’s the whole point I was making genius. If you knew someone (blizzard) didn’t have an answer for something yet, why would you ask them? Are you picking up what I am telling you?

You said 90% of those questions could be answered. Now you say ‘I don’t know’ qualifies as an answer. In that case, shouldn’t it be 100% of all questions everywhere?

Blizzard will be like - “pre-order” a 6 month sub for access to beta. Kappa.

Edit: I would do it.


Agreed. Just want to be specific because some of the loudest proponents for progressive itemization are those asking for multiple versions of the same item.

This sounds like a great idea in theory (and the nost-line of various pservers have generally done an okay job implementing), but if the standard is 1.12 db assets, it starts to break from that and becomes a bigger request than I think a lot of proponents fathom.

I answered them. They obviously don’t know yet. That’s literally a given. If a blue post came in here and said “We don’t know yet” would that make it any better for you? If they knew the release date, they would obviously be posting it as soon as possible to boost their audience. That’s how companies work.

For most of your questions, yes it 100% does work because they are dumb questions. Here I’ll give you answers to some of your other dumb questions.

They already said “No, but we are looking into services that were available during vanilla”. So this means server xfers. So theres your answer. If there is a shop it’s only for server xfers otherwise no.

They already said no a million times to this. Looks like you aren’t paying attention.

Actually, I’d do that if it guaranteed Beta Access, I buy my time in 6 month blocks anyways.

There should be a beta to check to see if quests and events are working as intended. There are many thousands of quests and its doesnt seem feasible for Blizzard to check them all internally. Also Blizzard doesnt have the test team to do internal tests for current mythic raids so they certainly dont have the people to fill a 40 man raid. I would presume they would likely wish to have at least a very short beta for raid testing and if nothing else maybe a stress test at some point

But having a beta is also good for marketing, building hype and judging interest in a game so I would be surprised if there was nothing one at all.


I wouldn’t expect a beta until they get the content schedule hammered out. Once they do though, I’d expect a short beta, to make sure quests work as expected.

The sheer number of bugs in the demo alone suggests otherwise.

I mean they don’t even have to test anything outside of the first launch stage which already seems pretty set now. They can test other raids later all they have to worry about is MC/Ony in terms of raids

They don’t even need to do the same level of testing they do with retail. At most stability and tuning, they don’t need to worry about design or anything else.

Yup, the biggest hurdle they will have is bug testing/polishing the game in terms of little things here and there making sure they stay vanilla esq.

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That’s a really small proportion of beta testing, though. QA isn’t really about filing bug reports on design elements - unless the muckymucks specifically ask you to - because that’s usually above your pay grade. You’re looking for bugs. In an open beta you’re usually also stress testing.

While no one can say for sure, I’m going to assume Classic in its current form could use both of these things.

may see a Beta in August.

It appears that warcraft 3 reforged will have a beta, so I assume that classic will as well.

Hopefully sooner than that since it seems to be the general impression here that Classic will come out during or before August.

I, too, am curious.

Beta will be announced in under 8 weeks.

Am I the only one that is still hoping there will be a spring release?

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I have a feeling we will get some sort of beta and a stress test. They are sticking to the goal of authentic experience. What is an authentic experience without a beta even if it’s just a short one.