Will there be a Beta?

Well then you’re just dumb. They have been very vocal and have obviously been listening to us.

If they don’t do a beta it can only mean one thing. Controversial changes that would diminish prelaunch hype.


I think it’s safe to bet on a “marketing beta” to put fuel in the hype train.

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Unless there’s some sort of controversial change that would be discovered in the beta that could dampen existing hype.

/looks at watch and notices only 100 days until start of summer 2019

I believe that bumping your own post is against forum rules.
You’re welcome for this bump.

If they want to launch at the start of summer and want to do a 30 day beta and want to give themselves 30 days to fix bugs found in the beta and want to give us 30 days notice before launching said beta then they will announce a beta in 10 days.

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Its all about hype these days, blizzards number 1 marketing scheme.
They did it with wod, legion, and bfa.
People weren’t as hyped about bfa as the other two, classic was more interesting.

“Very” vocal. They named some bugs they found in the demo and released their content schedule for PvE. It doesn’t even include PvP information. No info narrowing down the release date. Like I said earlier, they’re giving a minimal amount of information to us. I’m sorry I don’t have a brown nose for Blizzard like you do.

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You don’t have to be a brown noser to realize that they have confirmed progressive itemization, a more in depth release schedule (with pvp information to come), and been vocal about discussing how abilities such as warlock pets summons did/didn’t work in vanilla.

This is all to make the game authentic and they HAVE been changing these about classic specifically off of our feedback. If you can’t recognize that then you either aren’t paying attention whatsoever or you are an idiot. Which one is your case?

They haven’t been THAT vocal (yet) and I’m not going to act like they have been. We need a Beta so we can see changes ourselves or they need to be MORE vocal. For a game that is coming out in Summer, there’s not a whole lot of time.

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I just listed all this stuff they have been doing and said… and the only thing you have to counter with “they haven’t been that vocal”. Honestly don’t know if you’re trolling or not

I mean I guess if that’s enough for you to consider it “very vocal” but I personally don’t. I’m saying it’s not enough.

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What exactly would you like them to talk about any further? Honestly, they have told us basically everything we need to know and additionally listen to our feedback and changed some really major things that they 100% didn’t have to do.

What would you like them to say in order to please you?

AV version, server population caps, will the nerf bat swing periodically like it did in classic? Dishonorable kills? Release date? Beta? Cash shop? Some other stuff I’m not remembering atm.

90% of those can be answered by logic if you really need me to answer them for you.

You can start with release date, beta, and AV version in that order. Note* “summer” is not A date.

Alright this is an easy one to answer. Do you honestly think, that if they were 100% on a release date that they wouldn’t tell us? The thought “maybe they don’t know yet” never once crossed your mind? We have no idea where they are in development as of right now, but they are for sure going to be doing internal testing to find gamebreaking bugs/exploits/fine tuning. Obviously they don’t just run a check and see “Well looky here it says we have 200 bugs, this should take us like 2 months to fix, the release date is XX!!”

They don’t know yet.

See above. Whose to say they even need a beta? Maybe they don’t maybe they do. As of right now if they haven’t said anything about it then even if they are going to have a beta obviously they are not at a point where they think it is ready for beta testing.

You can’t ask someone answers for things they don’t know yet guys.

AV version is still up in the air, yes. But one can assume it’s going to be the 1.12 version just like everything else they have mentioned. If they choose to bring out the old and then patch it along with progression then great! Until they said otherwise I would expect 1.12.

Progressive itemization is having items’ stats change along with the content release schedule.

I am not sure which post/release you are reading but the most recent from Kaivax heavily implies item gating and not progressive itemization.

FWIW, progressive itemization is a difficult ask particularly for items with proc rates (or proc spells in general), as this would require a reference client and database assets for each iteration of item changes. Assuming you don’t want them to just guess at things, of course.

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That was a lot of words to say you don’t know.

Progressive itemization can be inferred as many different things. That’s just what people are mainly referring to when they are talking about progressive itemization. I guess another word I could have used is progressive loot tables? Either/or it’s still a massive change that they 100% did not have to put themselves through but chose to anyway for authenticity.

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