Will there be a Beta?

For me the question isn’t “will there be a beta”, rather “what will it be testing”?

With the huge scope of the game it’s impossible for a beta, open or closed, to cover everything. Will it focus on end-game dungeons and PvP, even though it’s not likely to be experienced for at least a month? Will it be more about questing, and if so will certain areas need more testing than others? I’m sure that the lowby zones will be perfectly testable by the alpha folks (might have been a hidden purpose of the demo), but Azshara? Un’Goro? Blackrock Mountain? It’s a mistake to ignore later quest zones entirely, as my first month of ESO proved to me and the unfortunate person who had to read my… uh, “passionate” bug reports.

In any case, I’m also feeling a bit antsy about Classic. I’ve waited this long for it because I didn’t want Private Server Vanilla, I wanted Blizzard Vanilla. I’ve waited this long and can wait some more, but just something about the impending reality of the project makes me want it to hurry up and get here so I can stop changing my mind five times a day about what I’ll roll.

That said, if you’re reading this Blizz, take yer time. I can wait. I mean, I can’t wait, but I can. Me stop ramble now.