Blizz, the class balance right now is absolutely abysmal. There are dps classes literally doing 25% less damage than other classes regardless of how you play. Why is there literally almost thirty points between destruction and affliction for locks? Why are arcane mages almost non existent and their damage almost 30 points behind locks? Why are BM hunters persona non grata?
I beg you. We are looking at a long time before 10.0 hits. Don’t leave specs or even entire classes broken for months before then. Buff them now, please!
The vast majority of specs are actually well balanced. There are always outliers on the poorer and overtuned sides of which there is about 4/5 in total.
You acknowledge the correct specs but to claim class balance as a whole is abysmal is a stretch.
Nope, I just managed to post this before I read yours.
You will literally never be able to balance every single class and spec. Not even close. Destro is complete garbage at single-target but is amazing at anything more (and this is the first time it’s EVER been good this expansion), while BM is an extremely mobile ranged spec that has 100% uptime but has low AoE to compensate.
If you have a spec that’s good in single-target and AoE alike, you get pre-nerf Demonology.
No, it’s another thread where people judge class balance solely based on warcraftlog parses at All Percentiles, throwing class utility and damage profiles outside the window.
My question is, why are so many people thoroughly invested in maintaining the lack of balance?
Everyone knows damage is the most important utility DPS brings. Everyone knows keys go much easier with hard hitting DPS. Everyone knows some specs hit a lot harder than others.
But as soon as someone brings this up in the context of bringing the specs more into balance it’s head in the sand arguments that they are balanced. DPS doesn’t matter. And that we don’t want balance anyways.
Aside from some Aura Nerfs or buffs, you wont see much till 9.2.5. And even then, you wont see much. Its the last patch and .5 of the expac. They already announced a huge talent system revamp. Doing a lot of balancing now, would be the equivalent of putting brand new brakes and tires on your car, the day before you trade it in. They wont be putting a lot of work or resources to classes and their balance, before they blow them up.
On another side, a lot of the classes who are underperforming just have flawed kit design. Aura buffs wont really solve the problems of how their abilities deal damage.
Even though there is a lot of class balance disparity right now, Every class and spec is capable of clearing +20 keys, and AoTC easily. Clearing Mythic Sepulcher? I am not sure, but definitely progressing into it.
Instead of buffing or nerfing classes that are going to all get massive talent reworks, they will nerf raid boss health/dmg till they are easy enough.
I would like to say please do not nerf the specs that are bonkers, as long as they can be a gnome. Right now, I would say the gnome-joy balance is pretty good. The best tank is BDK (gnome-possible), the best healer is a tie between Holy priest (gnome) and RSham (can’t be gnome - nerf this). The best DPS are destro lock, survival hunter, and sub rogue (all gnome). All of these can be gnome, people! Gnome push groups gogogo I support you!