Will there be a balancing pass soon?

We could spin the “Why do you need higher ilvl gear” argument here:

If you’re not doing the level of content where the dps differences between classes and specs are truly noticeable, then why do you need them to be more closely balanced together?

Maybe for a +15. At that low of a level though, class balance doesn’t matter, because everyone can do the content easily.

As soon as you get into +20s, comp, utility, and damage profiles matter.

I hope not. I like dropping earth ele with earthquake. They can nerf vesper totem maybe.

Or don’t nerf at all and make mistweaver monks insane because gnomes can be monks

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We can find a happy compromise. Gnome Shamans!


Why did you list 2 specs from classes that are currently FOTM, and a third that’s usually up there every patch as well?

How about buffing arcane mage? It is complete trash right now. Only the most desperate white knight would claim otherwise. They could easily do with a 10% damage buff and still not be top 5.

Then lets buff them 30%. :smiling_imp:

Or affliction lock? It’s also garbage. This is the worst disparity I have ever seen between 2 specs on the same class. Destro- top, aff- bottom.

Did you really need to quote yourself?

Here’s why it matters.

I main a cat. It’s 274 iLvl I can parse keys and make it to the first page of feral parses for that key, dungeon, and level. Probably in the 90th percentile.

And I’m now out DPS’ing it with my 255 survival hunter that I just started playing a couple weeks ago.

How should I feel about all the time and effort I put into my main, that I want to play, and am now leaving in the dust with toon I’ve put no effort into and barely know how to play?

How should anyone feel that mains a spec because that’s the spec they want to play? For every player like that, that doesn’t want to play the FotM spec hoping game, this is a serious quality issue.

No one wants perfect balance, but it should at least be close enough where skill matters more than spec choice.


You should feel accomplished that your skill and dedication has lead you to such results on a subpar chassis.

But if you’re doing above +15s or Mythic raiding, you need to chase the Meta Dragon’s tail.

Excuse me, what? Destro was the top spec up until 9.2 when Demo closed the gap and surpassed. Affliction was up there for a hot minute at the beginning of the expansion but to imply Destro has been garbage this expansion until now is just not true.

Because mythic+ has 1 damage profile that shows up on meters (burst aoe) and making al 24 dps specs have the same damage profile is stupid and boring when all 24 dps specs can easily +20 keys where the rewards end.

The alliance druid is only here to peddle his BS about how you can compare overall damage meters from different runs in different dungeons and get meaningful data out of it.


Affliction was arguably one of the best specs in the entire game in 9.0.2 and 9.0.5, and was obscenely good on fights like Sludgefist. It was an incredibly good 1-minute burst ST spec with good spread cleave, completely outclassing Destro at the thing Destro was supposed to be good at.

In 9.1, Demo was definitively the best Warlock spec apart from extreme AoE pad, in which case you played Affliction since the nerfs in 9.1 completely changed how Affliction worked.

In no way, shape, or form was Destro even remotely good until 9.2. The literal only time it was ever even passable, let alone good, was in huge Halls of Atonement pulls in the MDI where you did triple Shards into the middle and had Destro doing 300k+ DPS with its insane uncapped AoE.

Deserved. Braindead spec for braindead players.

In my experience, the one that is so noticably good is Warlock, Blood DK, and Holy Priest.
The one that is noticably bad is Havoc and Mistweaver.
The rest is middle of the pack, very close together.

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Thought we were talking about BM, not Survival.

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And here’s where the problem stems from:

Havoc DH has an atrocious 4pc but is otherwise not actually noticeably bad. It’s just not amazing at anything. You still bring it for a lot of stuff, including even some of the highest M+ and basically every single raid comp without fail.

Mistweaver is clearly the weakest healer in M+, but in raid there is no such thing as a bad healer spec across the board with Resto Shaman (one of the best M+ healers) being the closest thing to a not-good healer. Every single healing spec (HPal and HPriest being the best in general) is not only viable but excellent in any sort of raid composition.


I’m not peddling anything except to say that spec viability is more than M+, but keep chasing that FotM.