Will the victims of Jaina ever know justice?

cuz Horde is stinky

My god, I swear, there needs to be a bot to block the words Jaina, Dalaran, genocide, elves. Do that and majority of the trolls threads will disappear.

The threads will stop when MoP Classic launches and people are able to go through the scenario again and actually see what happens.

Then they’ll start again once people think the coast is clear.


I would love, love if we could have an honest discussion 'round here about a well-known, named character without some Agenda Aggitator rushing in to throw their weirdkid takes into it, and cause the devolution of the entire thread.

That’s why character critiques get thrown into the bad take bin; the bad take makers end up shouting all logic and reasoning down.


Why deny yourself the pleasure of imposing everything you hate onto a person over mild disagreements on a fictional universe?


We saw it in Remix already. Jaina was wrong plain and simple.

Dr. DOOM is right and I hate anyone who disagrees.


On a serious note, talking about Jaina and such isn’t what bothers me. It’s the same people with the same damn talking points, that annoy me.

These people, and they know exactly who they are. Are incapable of looking at any situation from multiple angles or even from the perspective of other players.

I’ve recently elected to start channeling my deepest, innermost Appalachian at them. It is more enjoyable than forehead-meets-bricks.


This isn’t a fair criticism with regards to the Purge. One of Lor’themar’s misgivings with the Sunreavers was that they operated beyond Silvermoon’s watch; he discussed this “ambiguous territory” with Brightwing in In the Shadow of the Sun.

A better comparison might be Jaina and the Silver Covenant, who attacked civilians and fed people to sharks without her knowledge, but under her authority.

I recall Zerde’s dedicated Purge megathread throughout Remix pretty vividly, mostly for the repost of Porter’s unvarnished play-by-play on Twitter.


There is something satisfying about mocking them rather than engaging their word vomit and regurgitated talking points :dracthyr_heart:

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Hundreds of elves were punished for something a guy from a different faciton did. That is the bottom line.

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And you deserve to relive every moment of it.

For eternity. With Pastakhani dishes singing It’s raining meatballs and stale toast on infinity loop

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Again. The guy who took the Divine Bell to Silvermoon was from the Reliquary. He had NOTHING to do with the Sunreavers. Whom Vereesa and Jaina actibley hunted down cuz of Aethas’ poor reaction.

Blizzard has already said via Chronicles that isnt the “lore” event. That gameplay isnt 100% canon. And lorewise Sunreavers(plural) did help the Horde.

Daggum, feller, they musta been plumb hot about it! I’d be madder’n a cat tryin’ to bury a turd in asphalt!


Make a screenshot where Aethas or his servants show up. If you did the Horde side event you will see the quest stops at Darnassus.

It’s literally stated in the very first quest of the scenario:

the Sunreavers of Dalaran are risking their neutrality by assisting the Horde with this operation.

Horde loyalists in the Sunreavers used their position in the Kirin Tor to undo Jaina’s wards so a horde force could steal the Divine Bell to use in the war. Aethas found out right after the bell was stolen and decided to stay quiet about it, presumably in the hopes that Jaina wouldn’t find out about his people’s involvement, and it backfired stupendously. Stamping your feet and refusing to believe the established canon does not help your arguement.


There is no canon cuz the rest of ther questline never shows it. Hindsight twitter retcons don’t count.

Duality of faction loyalist players:
“Blizzard keeps villain batting my faction.”
“My faction has done nothing wrong ever.”