So Jaina killed many blood elves and Rastakhan yet she got away for like it didn’t happen. And Thrall and Baine also did nothing to bring her retribution, ignoring one of their most recent allies(The Zandalari) entirley. Why is Jaina having so much plot armor and never has to face conquences for her evil actions? Is she the self insert of the whole Dev team who can do no wrong and always gets a flimsy justificaton when the situation demands it? Feels very much unfair and anticlimactic.
Bud, I’m a platinum tier member of the Jaina hater club, but its been over a decade since MoP, it’s over.
She killed innoccent people again when the alliance attacked the Zandalari trolls. Yet our leaders keep acting like she is our friend. This makes no sense.
When she dies, many in the Horde should be allowed to celebrate her death in-universe, instead of being lectured about how she’s a hero to both sides.
Edit: Hey Dreadmoore. Guess what else I’d celebrate?
That is something we can agree on.
Jaina is going to die of old age, by super power mage standards, so that’ll be in 1,000 years lol
She killed many Rastakhans too???
There were many Rastakhans?!?!?!??!?
Bro got fooled by the cutscene where she decided to apparently teleport from her ships after Rast died to stare menacingly.
“How many Rastakhans did you see?”
“14 Million, 605…”
“… How many weren’t killed by Jaina?”
I think it’s properly spelled Rastakhanoli.
Jaina’s crimes aren’t forgotten.
Good. Maybe the lesson will stick this time.
I will definitely never forget her crime of wearing those pants in Heroes of the Storm. What even are those, bell bottoms with… knee pads?
You followed orders of a criminal and killed your own people.
New achievement unlocked You been Rastakhanolied!
Must be a feat of strength, they removed the ability to Rastakhanoli at people in the same patch they removed /spit
Also Jaina killed a bunch of Tidesages according to the Exploring Isles book.
You disobeyed the orders of your leader in order to deliver yet another WMD into the hands of a genocidal tyrant and got a small taste of the murder you tried to inflict on others. Sucks to suck don’t it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
the blood elves did nothing wrong. Vereesa must pay.