Garrosh, Arthas
Both have ardent defenders and often try to justify their actions by claiming their actions were less evil because X character did something bad too
I rarely see anyone actually complain in any serious manner about those two.
And Thrall just gets made fun of due to how blizz keeps mishandling him
Arthas fanboys are cringe.
Dude, we both know that is never going to happen. I would settle for Blizzard writting the Horde as someting other than villians.
No where near as many threads discussing his failings as Jaina, and often those complaints are focused on why he sucks, not why he should be executed.
Actually did major warcrimes, so not even close to the same.
Just as often is defended and had his own crimes handed over to his helmet by his defenders.
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Those two are both dead. No one’s demanding Arthas’ victims face justice, because they already have, although it eternally sucks that Sylvanas and Jaina had no part in it.
Depends on the kind of people killed.
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I see… Only cringe… for… me…
♪ An Karanir Thanagor… ♪
♪ …Mor Ok Angalor… ♪
Erevien spamming Purge threads 15 times a day does not count.
Listen, if gross incompetence was a disqualifier for leadership who would actually lead any of the races at this point?
Erevien … does not count
You could have just said that, y’know!!
Ahem. True. And admittedly, the “Jaina face just us” people have quietted down quite a lot of late.
But we still get flare-ups from time to time. Like an uncurable affliction!!
Like Erevine!!
I want cookies.
Come to the Mocha Side, we have chocolate chip cookies and other flavors of course. Just incase
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More seriously:
There are certain demographics with questionable takes, but it is annoying when critique of characters who were mishandled by multiple authors gets shoved under that demographic’s umbrella.
Vereesa and Jaina are consistent. They are mary sues who geta way with way too much shady stuff.
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Jaina … consistent
Hi, my name is Erevien, but you can call me “Turtlehuffer,” and I’m incapable of parsing media.
Jaina always enacted capital punishment on all Horde she could find.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s. We don’t sell Capital Punishment burgers here
Probably Gazlowe at this point.
If she weren’t not consistitized then why’s she plumb done a blizzard on my fishin’ pontoon yonder when she coulda just got them blizzards what they sell at them there Dairy Queens?
I should start making a Southshore thread for every Purge thread Erevien makes when he’s bored at work.