Will the victims of Jaina ever know justice?

alliance bias was persistent in both MOP and BFA.

… could you maybe return to spamming threads about Amani trolls and how great the Old Horde was? Through instigation or incompetence you somehow manage to kick out the Horde’s legs on the few points it could otherwise stand on.


It was the PC who did almost all the work. I will defend the Sunreavers against all accusations.

That’s sort of the problem. Most people tend to only focus on untrue accusations.


The PC ported the Bell to the camp after surpassing all wards in Daranssus. Fan’lyr brought it to Silvermoon. That is how it happened.

Eli. Sweetie.

Why you here pretending that with Erevein there is an alternative to incompetence?

Come on. We all know better.


See, I go back and forth on whether he really is this purported forum cryptid from Germany, or a deep cover funposter enjoying himself behind a strawman painstakingly constructed of stereotypes cribbed from certain fringes of the playerbase. I’m unsure which backstory I’d feel better about.


The lore made me bitter so I went extreme about it.

So, forever ago, when I first encountered an Erevine in the wild, I too wondered if this was truly a remarkable example of convergent evolution that created some near-human subspecies whose diet consists of racism and braindead arguments, or if perhaps it was a fun-loving person using their masters degree in sociology to perform the greatest social experiment ever to draw attention not to the Old Horde, but to make the Horde under Thrall seem even better than it was, and to provide Alliance players an easy opponent in their arguments to sooth over any misgivings the MoP/BfA stories might have left them with. Or possibly even a member of Blizzard staff working undercover to guage the general playerbase’s feelings about various lore topics by using the most easily dunked on topics in full knowledge the thread would quickly devolve down a path the employee wanted.

I spent many nights wondering which possibility it could be.’

Then, one very slow overnight shift at work, stuck with nothing but my own intrusive thoughts, access to a Discord server, and a link to Evernine’s own Twixxer account, I began my research. I compiled evidence from my sources for each possibility, making careful note of anything that could possibly be construed as a slippage of a mask, seeking hidden messages that might reveal the potential ruse, hunted through thousands of posts, until finally I was ready. Finally I had my hypothesis. Finally, I had my proof and was prepared to unveil my hard work for the masses!!

Then someone posted a link to some EU forum thread where Erevein was being Extra Crispy Erevein, proving he is as genuine as could be.

Three hours of my boring worknight, and all I needed to do was look on the EU forums for two minutes to conclude what my research concluded!!!


I’m increasingly buying into the AI Chatbot theory.

Nope, no way.

An AI Chatbot in 2010 would present stronger arguments and repeat itself less.

Only a human is capable of this many errors.


My assumption is the ‘lore discussion discord’ he was shilling a little while back failed and now he’s just trying to exhaust us.

Entity with



Blood elves will rise again and punish everyone who wronged them in the past.

Enhanced? Intelligent?

You must do better, Aki. Those two words are anethema to the core of Errorvein.

I’m not even certain if Responsive should be there.

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