This is why I don’t go to Erev garden anymore.
I prefer to go to Jaina Queen and get a Blizzerde
e: speak o’ the devil
This is why I don’t go to Erev garden anymore.
I prefer to go to Jaina Queen and get a Blizzerde
e: speak o’ the devil
We have already discussed this. Chronicles points out tensions and outright fighting was happening before Varian invaded.
And even at best Varian is attack because of Garrosh’s actions! That this was a preventive war because he already knew Garrosh was going to go for the night elves with or without his actions.
In light of all that has transpired, the wise shaman Thrall has chosen to investigate the world’s growing elemental instability. Thus he has temporarily relinquished his title of Horde warchief and passed in on to Garrosh Hellscream, son of the legendary orc hero Grom. Under Garrosh’s command, the Horde belligerence toward the Alliance is growing. Most recently the headstrong new warchief led his forces on a rampage through neighboring Ashenvale, claiming much of what was once night elf land.
King Varian Wrynn has not backed down from Garrosh’s aggression, nor has the rest of the Alliance. Offensives into the Southern Barrens have secured territory once belonging to the Horde for Varian and his allies, who are also working to retake portions of Ashenvale. With tensions rising, both factions are on the brink of all-out warfare.
because of the war varian explicitly declared
A war in wrath he also decided to have a truce with the Horde on because both were exausted by the Lich King AND the Horde’s antic with the Wrathgate!
See what you did Waygs? See what you did?? You manifested this, and now Varian is a tack. The man died to save Azeroth, and even now Garrosh is making him a tack.
I hope you are proud of yourself, Waygs.
Because of you, Garrosh has complete control over Varian (even when both are dead) and Garrosh made him a tack.
The Purge is funny because people are loudest about it when it isn’t current and readily accessible content and then when it does become widely redone like in Remix everyone gets really quiet.
I did it all fault lies with Jaina since we never see Aethas or any Sunreaver when the Bell is already secured.
Might have something to with normal people having moved on from it years ago. But what do I know
tbf I think a decent chunk of people who weren’t around for MoP played it for the first time and realized a lot of the narratives about it were bunk, so there’s fewer arguments about it
that’s ridiculous. what kind of poster doesn’t have the commitment to take a lore grudge all the way to the grave with them?
Oh my goodness…
Erevine did the Purge of Dalaran?!?
I knew out precious queen could not be responsible.
Not to delve too much into meta topics but I feel if Jaina were a man it wouldn’t be as clung to.
Now I cant help but wait for the Jaina short story. Please Blizzard let it be free.
I played on both sides. And when she caught Aethas literally nothing actually shows he was somehow responsible.
Well, I didn’t want to go there. But that’s a huge part of it too. We know how…belligerent a segment of this community is when it comes to women in media. Especially powerful women in charge
Gonna be serious for a moment, but…
Jaina. Vereesa. No mention of Genn.
Just sayin’.
Cough Sylvanas cough
Just sayin’ there’s a pattern
Leadership implies responsibility, gross incompetence is still something bad, whether deliberate or not. A real world leader would have been ousted for half of what Lor’themar and Aethas allowed to happen under their watch. I feel the same about Shaw still being leader of SI:7 despite being the worst spy ever.
Probably not, since everyone is fwiends now
Counterpoint: Thrall, Garrosh, Arthas
Garrosh and Arthas still have people defending their actions. Thrall’s worst offence in the eyes of the community is being annoying in Cataclysm (he does have a higher Alliance kill count than Jaina does Horde, though).
People also blame Jaina for Arthas’ fall at times.