Will the trolls ever get revenge?

No they weren’t. You helped destroy a race that was already wronged in the past. Stop your human bias you are not the victims. You are genocidal imperialists.
Also Zul’Gurub, Drak’tharon, Gundrak and pretty much every other troll city.

Reminder that the Drakkari destroyed themselves trying to fight off the scourge.

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The Zandalari could have helped. And those alliance ships deserved being destroyed after kidnapping the chief advisor and the heir of the kingdom.

Yes, both times were in fact justified. Just because you say “muh imperialism” over and over again doesn’t mean it wasn’t justified. In BC they planned to take their shot at Quel’thalas while the Blood Elves were busy dealing with their crisis. The Horde/Blood Elves did a strike against them so that they wouldn’t have to worry about having to divide their forces too much. The second time was also preemptive as the Zandalari planned to unite all trolls to retake everything. Which was dangerous to the Horde AND Alliance. Hopefully in Midnight they’ve learned their lesson and don’t do something crazy like embrace the void. Otherwise I guess part 3 of the dungeon going to be coming lol.

No Zul’Aman? The blueprint for Pandaria Challenge Dungeons? The ancient ancestor to Mythic+?

Tell that to Danus- Oh wait he’s gone.
Dang who’s going to be my go-to punching bag now?

I dunno but I’m sure there will be a writer or two in the future that will be frustrating to catch your attention

Worse comes to worst we’ll just need to place Metzen back on the firing range like the good ol’ days.

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You obsess over the Horde more than I ever have about the Light.

With that out of the way, there’ll probably be some troll revenge further down the pipeline.

Zul’Aman is the second one in A tier

Of course it’s justified as long as humans occupy 99% troll land.

Dialogue if you were writing the scene:

Blood Elf scout: Sir, we have recovered battle plans. The trolls seek to take Quel’thalas while we are busy in outland. They are gathering an army and they have weak points in our land mapped out. We can stop them before they full organize and finalize their plans though and prevent them from winning

Lor’themar: Hmm…Advisor Erevien what should we do?

Erevien: Are you kidding? We should lay down and die. We literally did an imperialism!

Lor’themar: Hmm…You have a point. It’s not logical to do anything about this. We did an imperalism so there is nothing the trolls could do that could possibly be wrong.

Blood Elf scout: This is absurd!


Lor’themar: Guards, kill this man, he is an imperialist sympathizer!

Rinse and repeat for every other area.

I just enjoy that imperialism and collective punishment are a-ok as long as it’s the people Erevein supports, while simultaneously being horrific crimes retroactively justifying any atrocity generations later or earlier if done by people he doesn’t.

Also, no one has ever been displaced except by arabs and white americans.


Most Trolls seem to suck and be villainous. So I don’t really expect they’ll get much revenge on the story.

Yes they did. Learn history. The flip you think the middle east turned arab speaking and most continental nations came to be?

Who’s the Horde going to take revenge for on that since once their own shamans blew it up?

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The alliance expedition who forced Ner’zhul to act too fast. Aka Turalyon and his bootlickers.

The old Horde should have thought about that before they tried to invade and conquer Azeroth twice then huh? The Horde were the aggressors both times. Not the victims. The Alliance won the fight and were not conquered. At this point I think your hatred for the Alliance is so strong you’d defend an orc chopping a farmer down and reason “Well, the farmer was in the way of the orc’s swing and thus his family should be punished for damage to the axe the body made! The punishment should be death and the farm redistributed to the trolls!”

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Mhm. [10char]

No I defend the Orcs because Blizzard keeps giving the alliance undeserved wins and the story is obviously biased and hijacked in their favor all time. Draenor was Turalyons fault and he should die for it.