Will the trolls ever get revenge?

Okay let’s do a hypothetical. Let’s say there is a troll that lives on another planet called Azulroth named Trollralyon. He is a heroic shadow hunter to his people. His home is invaded by human forces but the trolls win and give chase so those nasty genocidal imperialists will think twice about coming back. However, a human mage creating portals blows up Stormwind. Is it Trollralyon’s fault this happened? If it’s not, I want a reason why.

Ner’zhuls ritual wouldhave finished if the alliance didn’ interrupt him.

It’s more his desire to troll.

The alliance cheats and gets away with the mess they do.

Lordaeron and Alterac are still in ruins through.

Darnassus was just open sea until Fandral planted Teldrassil. The Tree is now a smoking pile of ash, that revenge enough for you?

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Or lordaeron being back into Forsaken Hands again too as well.

Night elves had nothing to do with troll genocide. They stayed in Ashenvale and didn’t bother anyone.

Might want to go look at the kaldorei lore there mate. The kaldorei massacred their way across the former troll empire as they built their own.

The current crop left everyone sure, but the kaldorei do have a lot troll blood on their hands

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That was the Azshara empire. The night elves had their penance and lost the world for their arrogance.

Midnight introducing playable Amani trolls with a restored Zul’aman capital would be the best. My favorite troll race since Warcraft 2

Vengeance for Zul’jin!

Forest trolls can take back Quel’thalas.

Outland was always our destined home <3

Wait didnt the Alliance start this by kidnapping the princess? You said they were seemingly hostile. Is that a valid justification for taking a hostage from a foreign nation?

I’m genuinely curious. I skipped BFA.

I don’t think this thread needs a necro, but if a dev was based they’d let an offshoot of the Amani (maybe lead by the Revantusk) get involved in kicking the Arathi in the teeth when they inevitably become baddies we need to take care of.

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Oh my god this thread again, lovely.

Anyway, when discussing Talanji being captured, several contextual things are ignored.

Firstly, Zandalar had seemingly been a hostile force to both the Horde and the Alliance since MoP. Rastakhan had essentially allowed Zul to take a large chunk of the Golden Fleet, an army of followers, and then go off and try to resurrect an immensely powerful entity in the hopes of creating a new Troll Empire. This wasn’t a rogue group, this was the king of Zandalar allowing it to happen. This alone is a tacit declaration of war, but of course at the time going to Zandalar wasn’t feasible development wise. If not for the intervention of the Shado Pan, the Kirin Tor, and the Sunreavers, the level of destruction would have been immense, with no guarantee we’d have been able to stop the Thunder King at all.

This was the last time either of the factions interacted with the Zandalari Empire in any meaningful way, particularly the Alliance.

The second bit of context is again, Zul. Zul, a prophet of such skill that he could precisely toss a torch and start a massive Stormwind fire, who knew where to put a pot in the exact spot that would kill his rival. It is next to impossible that the Alliance was able to catch them without him allowing it, let alone them figuring out that they were seeking the help of the Horde. It’s implied he needed the Horde player in Zandalar to enact his plans, it’s just that he didn’t see anything past that and assumed that meant he won.

So essentially the Alliance encountered the heir apparent of a hostile nation, then learned (conveniently for Zul) that she was on her way to ask for aid from the faction they were at war with, who had just wiped Teldrassil out. And when they stopped her from doing so, she broke out before any negotiation, lit Stormwind on fire, and then the Golden Fleet nuked a large portion of the ships sent to get her back.

I love Zandalar and their lore, but so much of the Empire’s history is them leaving other troll tribes out to dry, throwing their weight around whenever they want, and then getting offended when someone hits back.


Amani deserve absolutely zero in game content until Darkspear etch out a new stronghold in STV.


Gonna disagree on that, the Darkspear were pretty clear on severing ties with the gurubashi, I’d rather have them build up the echo isles to be more than a couple huts and ruins


I’d like them to have a place in STV as its their ancestral homeland, and there’s an orcish fortress already there. May as well buff that up and expand out a little, in addition to Echo Isles.

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Oh look, another troll revanchism post.

I totally forgotten about this thread. I thought it would’ve been either 404’d or punted into the forgotten bin by now